"Monterey Dexter Eastside neighborhood"

Dexter is on the Westside, no ?

Malcolm X


Milton David Jones

Y.B.I Founder 


The Early Years

At the age of fourteen Milton David Jones was introduced to the world of
drug dealing by his brother-in-law who he referred to as a master operator.
Initially Jones sold small amounts of heroin while serving as a security
guard and lookout during transactions. Jones claims to have killed for the
first time at the age of 15. By his own account, Butch Jones shot and killed
a suspected stick up man at a dope house on Duane. In the incident Jones
reportedly recognized a man who accompanied a woman who came to the house to
buy some dope as the infamous *stick-up Mike. Jones quickly deduced that
Mike had come to the dope house to rob it and ultimately kill everyone there
so he opened the front door and without warning shot the suspected bandit
with a twelve gauge shotgun as he stood out in the yard. Following this cold
hearted murder, Jones claims that he became a feared and respected member of
the underworld culture. The murder caused the dope spot to be shutdown for a
time but when it opened back up, it was under the control of the fifteen
year old Jones. While diving head long into the heroin business, Jones began
making the rounds of all of the seedy nightspots meeting old time hustlers,
gamblers, pimps and peddlers. At such a tender age Jones claims to have
acquired his "Ph.D from the streets." With his street reputation firmly
established Jones admits to participating in paid hits, robberies and arson.

Detour On the Way To The Top

While in the process of completely terrorizing all of came in contact with
the infamous Butch Jones, he made his first mistake by killing a man who he
suspected of participating in the robbery of a friend of his at a local drug
spot. Jones and two others were picked up and charged with murder on January
17, 1974. While sitting in jail awaiting the determination of his future,
Milton suffered the loss of one of his brothers who was killed during the
comission of a robbery. On the same day, his girlfriend and later wife
Portia Sturdivant gave birth to his son Jamaky. Jones was sentenced to a
seven year term in March of 1975 after taking a plea deal for manslaughter
for his role in the killing. Jones served his time in Jackson and later Iona
Reformatory before earning his release in 1978. 

The Formation of Young Boys Inc,.

Within a month of his return to the streets of Detroit, Milton Jones, Mark
Marshall and Raymond Peoples organized Youngs Boys Inc,. Young Boys Inc.,
started off as a small insignificant band of drug peddlers operating out of
Detroit's Monterey Dexter Eastside neighborhood. Initially all shots were
called by 25 year old Mark Marshall with assistance from Raymond Peoples.
Control of the gang was passed onto Peoples and Milton David Jones in 1979
when Marshall fled the motor city in favor of California by way of
Mississppi. Jones and Peoples had taken their marching orders from the older
more experienced Marshall but came together in transforming Young Boys Inc.,
into a multi-million dollar organized crime syndicate. This transformation
was plotted and ruthlessly carried out under the guidance of Butch Jones. 


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