About 25 years ago I was told by my university physics professor that,
for sure, commercial energy production from fusion was less than 25
years off.

Meanwhile cold fusion research societies also soldier on!

If we are up against the wall and production has peaked or about
peaked or will eventually peak in our lifetimes, isn't the immediate
solution just forcing the US to use energy more along the lines of

Not to capitalists. Most definitely not to fossil fuel capitalists and
the moneymen who bet on them.  Such a cut in oil consumption would
cause an immediate production glut and end the current oil pricing
bubble. That pricing bubble is supposed to finance still yet more
fossil fuel exploration and production to meet still yet more
consumption. While the money goes around and around and becomes more
and more.

It's not that resources aren't being depleted. It's not that our
environment isn't being wrecked as we consume far too much and move on
to other resources while changing our climate, our oceans, and the
environments which support us. It's just that capitalism--whether with
free markets or cartelized ones with super-lethal air forces backing
them up--simply can not respond.

Hence the need for fantasies like science and technology giving us
fixes like fusion.

Charles Jannuzi
Univ. of Fukui, Japan

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