Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] A New Kind of Revolutionary Organization Surfaces on the World Wide Web

2008-09-27 Thread Jim Farmelant
On Sat, 27 Sep 2008 14:45:19 EDT [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> Dear Marxism-Thaxis List Members,
> Hello, this is my first post here.

There Joaquin Bustelo looked at one of the websites associated with him.

Therefore, unless people here are eager to read more unformatted
postings from him, I will do what Les Schaffer is doing
with him on Marxmail.

Jim Farmelant

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[Marxism-Thaxis] A New Kind of Revolutionary Organization Surfaces on the World Wide Web

2008-09-27 Thread ProfitSci
Dear Marxism-Thaxis List Members,
Hello, this is my first post here.

I recently noticed the surfacing  of what is, in my experience -- at least in 
terms of what it claims about itself  -- a new and
unprecedented KIND of Marxian, revolutionary organization, on  the world wide 

It is called the Equitarian Advocacy Group, and it  advocates a kind of 
Political-ECONOMIC DEMOCRACY, one which is based upon  public
ownership and democratic disposition of what it names as EXTERNALITY  

The new sites are at:




What  I find so refreshing about this group's promises is, especially, its 
promise to  not only NOT work to take state power for ITSELF and
its Members, but, if a  government committed to the equitarian programme does 
comes to power -- a result  for which the Advocacy
Group pledges to work -- the Advocacy Group promises  to stay completely OUT 
of that government, and to work to check tendencies  to
the abuse of its power within that new  government.



Preamble,  point 4.

Another aspect of this group's theory that I like -- whether I  end up 
agreeing with it or not - is their clear articulation of the  new
Social Relation of Production that they see as the successor to the  
presently-dominant Social Relation Of Production, i.e., to  the
They call this new Social Relation of Production the [Generalized]  
Equity-relation, and they derive it as
one having a dialectical, aufheben  self-negation relationship to the 
On this, see, for example --

[be sure to copy the complete, multi-line URL into your browser in order to  
reach this essay].

Finally, I appreciate -- again, whether I end up  agreeing with it or not -- 
this group's clear articulation of what they conclude  to be the
essence of Marx's critique of Capital's political-economy, namely,  what Marx 
called the economic law of motion of modern society. 
On this, see, for example --


The  theoretical roots of this group seem to be mainly Marxian, but the Group 
seems  to transcend, and to critique, both today's "Left" and
today's "Right"  ideologies. 
For more on this, see --



[be  sure to copy the entire, two-line URL into your browser to get to any of 
the  linked texts listed above].

This Advocacy Group also seems to  transcend the antinomy of Revolution 
versus Reform, holding that its  equitarian
reforms are what might be called revolutionary reforms -- reforms  that, if 
adopted, would drive the adopting society through a
revolutionary  transformation, beyond capitalism, to Political-ECONOMIC 

It  would be interesting to know what this Marxian Theory/Praxis Group thinks 
about  this new approach to the social revolutionary transition



P. S.  I found out about this new org. via a dialectics site I have been 
keeping an eye  on --


via  the preface to the latest article posted there --


--  in the following opening passage:

"What this text addresses, in toto, is the  '''psycho-historical''',cognitive 
revolution that F.E.D. is offering. It's  deeper title, then, should be:

Announcing a Cognitive Revolution,  Necessary Precursor to Humankind's 
Self-Liberatory Self-Transformation Beyond  the Capit