[Marxism-Thaxis] US 'reconstruction' of Iraq collapses

2010-07-03 Thread CeJ
VP Biden seems to be in Iraq to try and prevent the collapse. The reason
American military people aren't dying in large numbers is that the military
is on its bases and not engaging in much combat against the Resistance--it
lets it proxies do that, or relies on air forces. But one does have to
wonder what the end game is here: is it permanent bases and 50,000 'support'
troops and trainers or complete withdrawal. This piece of propaganda says
that they will withdraw entirely by 2011, but what does that mean? Withdraw
to their bases, as they already have done? That is the only withdraw the DoD
is planning.



But some Iraqis have compared the current hurried reconstruction effort to
the haphazard American withdrawal from Vietnam in 1975. United States
officials acknowledge that the current effort to accelerate rebuilding
projects in Iraq is based on plans to reduce the American military forces in
the country to 50,000 by September from about 85,000 now, and to withdraw
entirely by the end of 2011. Many reconstruction projects continue to
require security provided by the American military.

In Diyala Province, northeast of Baghdad, after American officials told
local leaders that they intended to speed up projects because a nearby
United States Army base was scheduled to close this summer, Iraqi officials
said they found that construction standards had slipped so drastically that
they ordered an immediate halt to all American-financed projects, even
though American inspectors had deemed the work to be adequate.
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[Marxism-Thaxis] Recessionary American capitalism returns to the basics--Hayek and Rand

2010-07-03 Thread CeJ
I still think a religious revival is next. If a hurricane gets the oil slick
and spews it all over the New South, that ought to be interesting.



Gurus of Economics

*When the financial crisis and the Great Recession presented challenges for
politics and for economics unlike anything seen since the 1930s, sending
people scurrying for the economic philosophers of more than half a century
ago, the first they reached for was John Maynard Keynes. An economist who
rose through the ranks of the British civil service, he was instrumental in
restoring the UK after the Great Depression, and in reshaping the global
financial order after the chaos of the Second World War. As well as
providing the academic underpinning for government efforts to stimulate
demand in the economy, he also had much to say about banking. "Speculators
may do no harm as bubbles on a steady stream of enterprise. But the position
is serious when enterprise becomes the bubble on a whirlpool of

On the same Fox programme in which Glenn Beck proselytised Hayek's tome, he
also waved a copy of 'Atlas Shrugged', the 1957 novel by Ayn Rand, the
Russian-American philosopher who is another darling of the libertarian
right. This book, too, has found its way back into the charts. In it, Rand
fantasises a "strike" by America's most productive capitalists and creative
scientists, driven away by government interventions that restrict their
businesses and redistribute their wealth, a strike that leads to the
collapse of society. Alan Greenspan, the deregulating chairman of the US
Federal Reserve, was a Rand devotee.
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