[Marxism-Thaxis] JFP 12/13 - Daniel Ellsberg: "I Am Wikileaks!"

2010-12-14 Thread c b
 *Just Foreign Policy News
December 13, 2010
*Just Foreign Policy News on the Web:*

[To receive just the Summary and a link to the web version, you can use this

*Daniel Ellsberg: "I Am Wikileaks!"*
Before asserting that Julian Assange and Wikileaks have nothing in common
with Daniel Ellsberg and the Pentagon Papers case, Senator Durbin would have
been wise to take note of the fact that Daniel Ellsberg is still alive and
forcefully believes the opposite.

*Afghanistan** experts call for peace deal and exit strategy*
Afghanistan experts with decades of experience in the country call on
President Obama to change course and push for a peace settlement and exit
strategy. Signers include: Scott Atran, Michael Cohen, Gilles Dorronsoro,
Bernard Finel, Joshua Foust, Anatol Lieven, Ahmed Rashid, and Alex Strick
van Linschoten.

**Action: Petition: Timetable for the Withdrawal of UN Troops from Haiti*
The election fiasco in Haiti, following UN attempts to cover up the likely
role of UN troops in the outbreak of cholera in Haiti, add urgency to the
call for the UN to tell Haitians what the plan is for the full restoration
of Haitian sovereignty.

*Ron Paul Defends Wikileaks on the House Floor*
Rep. Ron Paul directs a series of questions to the anti-Wikileaks hysteria.
How can the US government prosecute an Australian citizen for treason for
the theft of documents which he did not steal? If Wikileaks is to be
prosecuted for publishing classified U.S. government documents, why
shouldn't the New York Times and the Washington Post be prosecuted?

*Help Support Our Work*
Your donation helps us educate Americans and create opportunities to
advocate for a just foreign policy.

*U.S./Top News <#12ce21e9b4c21b9d_December1310m1>*
1) An increasingly assertive group of "engagement hawks" - a group of
professional diplomats, military officers, and academics - is arguing that a
mindless, macho refusal to engage with "terrorists" might be causing as much
harm as terrorism itself, writes Thanassis Cambanis in the Boston Globe.
Brushing off dialogue betrays an alarming ignorance of how, historically,
intractable conflicts have actually been resolved. The current backlash
against the "don't talk" policy began among frustrated military officers,
Cambanis writes. Thomas Pickering, a career US diplomat who has spent the
decade since his retirement from the State Department working as an
unofficial liaison to many of America's bitterest foes, is currently engaged
in an unofficial effort to forge a regional peace agreement for Afghanistan.

2) New U.S. intelligence reports paint a bleak picture of the security
conditions in Afghanistan and say the war cannot be won unless Pakistan
roots out militants on its side of the border, AP reports. The National
Intelligence Estimates on Afghanistan and Pakistan could complicate the
Obama administration's plans to claim that the war is turning a corner, AP

3) The US, Brazil, Canada and the UN were divided on what to do about the
Haiti election fiasco, the Miami Herald reports. Brazil pushed a
three-person runoff. The UN suggested ruling party candidate Célestin
withdraw. The US asked for a true recount with foreign experts going through
not just the tally sheets but checking the actual ballots against the
partial voter lists. Canada floated cancellation and new elections under an
interim government.

4) Out of every $100 of U.S. contracts now paid out to rebuild Haiti,
Haitian firms have successfully won $1.60, AP reports. Of the 1,583 U.S.
contracts given so far in Haiti totaling $267 million, only 20 - worth $4.3
million - are going to Haitian-owned companies.

5) Julian Assange's attorney Mark Stephens says he has been told by Swedish
authorities that a secret grand jury is meeting in Alexandria, Virginia to
consider criminal charges in the WikiLeaks case, CNN reports. Stephens said
he thinks his client is being held in Britain on a "holding charge" while
the U.S. prepares espionage charges. Meanwhile, the House 

[Marxism-Thaxis] Bill Fletcher, Jr. Responding to the 'Letter to the Left Establishment'

2010-12-14 Thread Waistline2
"Letter to the Left Establishment" 
Bill Fletcher, Tom Hayden and "The Letter" 
Responding to the 'Letter to the Left Establishment' regarding Obama 
By Bill Fletcher, Jr. 
A so-called Letter to the Left Establishment critical of the Obama  
administration has been circulating for a few days.  The letter is a bit  odd 
because if you do not read it carefully, it appears that the people named in  
first paragraph, including yours truly, are actually asking people to sign  
on.  In reality the Letter is a criticism of several individuals who  
offered varying degrees of support to the candidacy of President Obama in  
On the grounds of confusion alone the Letter should be withdrawn and  the 
signatories should request that their names be removed. 
"But what is odder to me is that the Letter has all sorts of  implications. 
 The Letter calls upon those named in the first paragraph to  criticize the 
policies of the Obama administration, as if we have not.  It  implies that 
we have been silent about major decisions of the Obama  administration that 
have been wrong.  It recites a list of decisions,  approaches, etc., by the 
Obama administration as if any of this is new to those  of us identified in 
the first paragraph. 
"None of this is new.  And the authors of the Letter should know  that.  In 
fact, if they happened to have been in a cave for the last couple  of years 
and did not keep up with the news, they could have Googled the names of  
most of the people listed in the first paragraph and found that we have been  
generally outspoken in our criticisms as well as involved in organizing to 
put  pressure on the administration. 
"For these reasons i have been trying to figure out what the intent of the  
Letter actually is. 
"I am not going to speak for anyone else.  In 2008 i reluctantly came  to 
the conclusion that a position of critical support of Obama was the correct  
stand. "Reluctantly" because i had a number of concerns about Obama, most of 
 which have been realized.  Nevertheless i was impressed by the congealing  
of forces that i believed had the potential to do something progressive in 
the  political realm irrespective of the actions of Obama-the-individual.  I 
 actually still believe that this is possible and not too late. 
"In 2008, i and several others mentioned in the Letter also suggested that  
if there was no pressure from the Left and progressives on Obama, assuming 
he  was elected, that we would find ourselves in deep trouble. In fact, 
people used  to joke with me immediately before and immediately after the 
November 2008  election because i would be asked how much of a honeymoon period 
Obama should  receive and my answer was always the same: "24 hours." I 
insisted, as did many  of my colleagues, that we could not, in effect, give 
any honeymoon period  and that pressure had to start from the beginning.  We 
were correct. 
"The Letter reads as if those named in the first paragraph have been  
sitting on their hands or standing at the gates refusing to permit the masses 
pass through and challenge Obama.  I am not sure whether the authors are  
standing in some parallel universe, but in this one i see no evidence of that 
at  all.  There are differences, some over tactics while others over 
strategy,  among those named in the first paragraph, but precisely for that 
it is  odd that the names would all be thrown together as if someone were 
actually  trying to stir up confusion and promote disinformation.  I don't 
know, but  i have actually seen a film much like this before. 
"So, assuming that there is loving intent from the authors--and i am  
certainly not critical of the signatories--then i would say, i agree with many  
of the criticisms they have offered of the Obama administration; i have 
offered  many of those criticisms already; i have been active, as have most of 
 colleagues, in trying to engage liberal and progressive social forces in 
the  need to both combat the political Right as well as put the pressure on 
the  Democrats; and, guess what? I will continue to, and i am assuming that 
my  colleagues will as well. 
"Oh, and while i am at it, one thing that the authors of the Letter did not 
 address was the question of the African American electorate.  I don't know 
 about you, but how we handle the question of this administration is 
particularly  dicey when the African American electorate feels, overwhelmingly, 
that Obama is  under an intense racist assault from the political Right 
(which is, as you  know, quite correct).  This basic question of the 
African American  electorate and huge portions of the Latino electorate means 
our electoral  tactics in the coming two years will have to be handled very 
carefully, even  while we put the pressure on this administration and 
struggle against its  defense of warmed over neo-liberalism. 
"It might have been a good idea, and this is 

[Marxism-Thaxis] Democrats, Labor, Legislation: Three Stories

2010-12-14 Thread c b
Dems vs. unions: It's On
By Charles Lane
Washington Post
December 13, 2010


Next to the drama in Washington, the big political
story in 2011 will be the struggle to rein in public-
sector unions, whose pay, pensions and health benefits
are bankrupting some of the biggest states in the
country. Today's Wall Street Journal contained a tough
op-ed on public-sector unionism by Minnesota's
Republican Gov. Tim Pawlenty, a presidential hopeful.
Neighboring Wisconsin's ascendant Republicans may try
to end collective bargaining for public workers in that
state. But GOP moves against public employee unions,
the core constituency of the Democratic Party, are no
surprise. What's really interesting, as I've written,
somewhat obsessively, is the looming struggle between
budget-cutting Democrats and the unions.

This is the contest that will determine whether
Democrats can survive as a party with a broad political
base at the state level, by putting the sustainability
of vital public services ahead of the unions' demands
-- or whether they will allow their public-sector union
allies to drag them into a political death spiral of
endless deficits, higher taxes, sluggish growth and
declining services.

And the contest has already begun. On a small scale,
right in the Washington area, there's the clash between
the Montgomery County Council and its public employee
unions over proposed legislation to make arbitrators
give the county's sorry fiscal situation top
consideration when deciding the size of the unions'
next contract package. Proposed by Council President
Valerie Ervin (D-Dist. 5) of Silver Spring, usually a
reliable labor ally, the bill has drawn preliminary
support from most of the rest of the council, including
a newcomer, Hans Riemer, who won his seat with union
backing. Riemer's stance prompted this thuggish
outburst from the county employees' union leader, Gino
Renne: "You're going to be a one-termer, pal. Welcome
to the big leagues."

for the rest of the article].

Workers' Safeguards Strengthened by N.Y. Law
By Sam Dolnick
The New York Times
December 13, 2010


Gov. David A. Paterson signed into law some of the
nation's strongest protections against wage theft on
Monday, after months of lobbying by immigrants'
advocates and labor unions that said New York lagged
behind other states on the issue.

The law, which takes effect in April, will quadruple
the penalties for employers who steal workers' pay, and
will protect whistle-blowers from retaliation.

Employers who pay below the minimum wage, fail to pay
overtime or unfairly garnishee wages are especially
rampant in restaurant, retail and construction
businesses where illegal immigrants make up much of the
work force, according to a report this year by the
National Employment Law Project. In New York City, the
report said, lost wages add up to more than $18.4
million a week.

[See http://www.nytimes.com/2010/12/14/nyregion/14wage.html?partner=rss&emc=rss
for the rest of the article]

It's Wrong When Employers Cheat
Congress should vote for legislation to help workers
get what they're due
By Van Jones
Detroit Free Press
December 13, 2010


What if someone took $50 from your wallet, in plain
view? What if it happened every week? Millions of
people around the country have this experience when
their employers commit "wage theft"-- the illegal
underpayment or nonpayment of workers' wages. Companies
short workers' pay, don't pay overtime, force people to
work off the clock, or omit a worker's last paycheck.

Companies that commit wage theft gain an advantage at
the expense of both their workers and their law-abiding
competitors. What's more, they keep lawfully earned pay
from being spent where it will do the most to
strengthen our economy.

Wage theft happens to workers at every level and in
every field. If you haven't been a victim, someone you
know probably has. Industries where the problem is
rampant include farming, food processing, restaurants,
clothes manufacturing, long-term care and retail.
Nationwide, more than $19 billion in wages are stolen
from millions of workers every year, according to the
Economic Policy Foundation.

It happened to a woman we'll call Denise, who worked at
the now shuttered Detroit restaurant Carl's Chophouse,
as a cook.

That was the only job she'd ever had, so when her
paychecks started bouncing, she figured her employer
would make it right -- and kept working. This went on
for a few months, until one morning, when Denise
arrived for work and the doors were locked

to read mo

[Marxism-Thaxis] Boyz II Men - Let It Snow feat Brian McKnight & Wanya Morris

2010-12-14 Thread c b

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Marianne Faithfull - "Working Class Hero"

2010-12-14 Thread c b

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[Marxism-Thaxis] The Fierce Ideology of 'No Labels'

2010-12-14 Thread c b

The Fierce Ideology of 'No Labels'

A cabal of centrist Democrats and lapsed Republicans are gathering in
New York today to launch "No Labels," a group that advocates ditching
partisan politics for supposedly common sense solutions. Cute! But
don't pretend that this isn't ideological.

The purpose of No Labels, according to the "Declaration" they ask you
to sign, is this: "Sign the No Labels Declaration and join your
neighbors who are asking their leaders to put the labels aside and do
what's best for America." In other words, if you believe in what
either party is saying, take your skin out of the game and let the
following people supposedly reasonable people decide "what's best for
America" for you:

Featured Speakers: Mayor Michael Bloomberg Senator Kirsten Gillibrand
Congressman Bob Inglis Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa Congressman Tom
Davis David Brooks Joe Scarborough Mika Brzezinski Senator Joe
Lieberman Senator Evan Bayh Senator Joe Manchin David Gergen Governor
Charlie Crist Lt Governor Abel Maldonado Congressman Michael Castle
Ellen Freidin

Pretty much everyone on this list of speakers at today's launch has a
label: wishy-washy centrist who wants the rubes to stop their
clamoring before it defeats them in an election (if it already hasn't
— Inglis, Crist, Castle) or takes power away from the entrenched
producers of conventional wisdom.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] "Letter to the Left Establishment"; Fletcher and Hayden responses

2010-12-14 Thread c b
"Letter to the Left Establishment"

Bill Fletcher, Tom Hayden and "The Letter"


Responding to the 'Letter to the Left Establishment'
regarding Obama

By Bill Fletcher, Jr.

A so-called Letter to the Left Establishment critical
of the Obama administration has been circulating for a
few days.  The letter is a bit odd because if you do
not read it carefully, it appears that the people named
in the first paragraph, including yours truly, are
actually asking people to sign on.  In reality the
Letter is a criticism of several individuals who
offered varying degrees of support to the candidacy of
President Obama in 2008.  On the grounds of confusion
alone the Letter should be withdrawn and the
signatories should request that their names be removed.

"But what is odder to me is that the Letter has all
sorts of implications.  The Letter calls upon those
named in the first paragraph to criticize the policies
of the Obama administration, as if we have not.  It
implies that we have been silent about major decisions
of the Obama administration that have been wrong.  It
recites a list of decisions, approaches, etc., by the
Obama administration as if any of this is new to those
of us identified in the first paragraph.

"None of this is new.  And the authors of the Letter
should know that.  In fact, if they happened to have
been in a cave for the last couple of years and did not
keep up with the news, they could have Googled the
names of most of the people listed in the first
paragraph and found that we have been generally
outspoken in our criticisms as well as involved in
organizing to put pressure on the administration.

"For these reasons i have been trying to figure out
what the intent of the Letter actually is.

"I am not going to speak for anyone else.  In 2008 i
reluctantly came to the conclusion that a position of
critical support of Obama was the correct stand.
"Reluctantly" because i had a number of concerns about
Obama, most of which have been realized.  Nevertheless
i was impressed by the congealing of forces that i
believed had the potential to do something progressive
in the political realm irrespective of the actions of
Obama-the-individual.  I actually still believe that
this is possible and not too late.

"In 2008, i and several others mentioned in the Letter
also suggested that if there was no pressure from the
Left and progressives on Obama, assuming he was
elected, that we would find ourselves in deep trouble.
In fact, people used to joke with me immediately before
and immediately after the November 2008 election
because i would be asked how much of a honeymoon period
Obama should receive and my answer was always the same:
"24 hours." I insisted, as did many of my colleagues,
that we could not, in effect, give Obama any honeymoon
period and that pressure had to start from the
beginning.  We were correct.

"The Letter reads as if those named in the first
paragraph have been sitting on their hands or standing
at the gates refusing to permit the masses to pass
through and challenge Obama.  I am not sure whether the
authors are standing in some parallel universe, but in
this one i see no evidence of that at all.  There are
differences, some over tactics while others over
strategy, among those named in the first paragraph, but
precisely for that reason it is odd that the names
would all be thrown together as if someone were
actually trying to stir up confusion and promote
disinformation.  I don't know, but i have actually seen
a film much like this before.

"So, assuming that there is loving intent from the
authors--and i am certainly not critical of the
signatories--then i would say, i agree with many of the
criticisms they have offered of the Obama
administration; i have offered many of those criticisms
already; i have been active, as have most of my
colleagues, in trying to engage liberal and progressive
social forces in the need to both combat the political
Right as well as put the pressure on the Democrats;
and, guess what? I will continue to, and i am assuming
that my colleagues will as well.

"Oh, and while i am at it, one thing that the authors
of the Letter did not address was the question of the
African American electorate.  I don't know about you,
but how we handle the question of this administration
is particularly dicey when the African American
electorate feels, overwhelmingly, that Obama is under
an intense racist assault from the political Right
(which is, as you know, quite correct).  This basic
question of the African American electorate and huge
portions of the Latino electorate means that our
electoral tactics in the coming two years will have to
be handled very carefully, even while we put the
pressure on this administration and struggle against
its defense of warmed over neo-liberalism.

"It might have been a good idea, and this is only a
suggestion, for the authors of the Letter to have
reached out to those mentioned in the first paragraph
rather than trying to embarrass us.  

[Marxism-Thaxis] Youtubes on Octavius Catto

2010-12-14 Thread c b


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[Marxism-Thaxis] The Bertie Bubble

2010-12-14 Thread Paddy Hackett
Concerning the “deal between the Irish Government and the ECB/EU/IMF troika” 
Constantin Gurdgiev argues in the Sunday Independent, December 5th 2010, 
that far “from providing a resolution to Ireland’s financial and fiscal 
crises, it made the restructuring of our banks’ debt inevitable, no matter 
what the conditions underlying the deal says.” Gurdgiev has been one of the 
those analysts stridently calling for a large and significant part of the 
total surplus value owed by the Irish state and banks to be transferred 
abroad. There appear to be three kinds of economic commentators occupying 
the public stage in Ireland at the moment.
The first kind might fit into the neo-liberal group: They are of the view 
that the total exchange value foisted onto the state, and thereby the 
working class, is on such a scale that it may prevent the Irish Republic’s 
economy from recovering from the adverse effects of global economic 
downswing. Such a situation, many of them would hold, can but lead to 
political instability and even class warfare. These bourgeois intellectuals 
see the writing on the wall. They realise the dangers for capital regarding 
the character of the so called bail out. The vast amount of exchange value 
that must be extracted from the Irish economy now and into the future will 
leave little or no capital to maintain and extend the reproduction of 
capital in the country itself. The effect of this massive transfer of its 
wealth abroad will transform the country into an economic and social 
wasteland. Consequently European capital may be forced to tolerate an Irish 
default. However because of the belated nature of this default there are is 
a greater probability that the default will do more economic harm than a 
controlled and regulated default undertaken now. Constantin Gurdgiev, Jim 
Power and Brian Lucey.
This group overstates the power of the Irish government to radically 
renegotiate a deal with the troika. The Irish economy is too minuscule and 
dependent on imperialism to be in a position to determine how it deals with 
the economic crisis that it has been enduring. If it were as strong as this 
group suggests then there would never have been a crisis in the first place.

The second type of economic commentator essentially goes along with the 
Irish government. It bases its  economics on the Micawber Principle. These 
doughty ideologues are claiming that the economy should be able to recover 
from the huge debt burden being imposed on it. They don’t see any 
possibility of renegotiating the deal done with the international troika. 
Underlying their claims is the assumption that the expansion of the 
valorisation process will increase to and beyond the minimum rate necessary 
to make repayment possible. This suggests that the reproduction process will 
start to produce exchange value on a scale that allows Ireland to both 
produce enough surplus value to maintain and increase the accumulation of 
capital and leave surplus value over for distribution towards welfare and 
debt obligations. Ironically there is no evidence to support this Quixotic 

This second group of bourgeois analysts based in Ireland are, largely 
speaking, the very group that mistakenly claimed that the Irish economy was 
in for, at worst, a soft-landing in the aftermath of the Bertie Bubble. 
These are commentators such as Brendan Keenan from the Irish Independent and 
Sean Fitzgerald from the ESRI.

Then there is the third type. They are of the view that the Irish government 
are not compelled to lie on the procrustean bed offered by the international 
troika. However they mistakenly believe that the state can and should engage 
in more spending rather than less. They say that more spending will 
stimulate the Irish economy and bring about recovery. This group are the 
infamous Underconsumptionists. For them economic crisis are caused by 
deflated demand. What they don’t understand is that by its very nature 
demand is always deflated under capitalism. This is why there has always 
been poverty under capitalism. If the solution were as simple as one of 
increasing demand then there would never have to be economic crises under 
capitalism. Once demand was artificially increased to a sufficient degree 
the entire population, generally speaking, would be made affluent. Indeed 
the years of the Bertie Bubble were, in a sense, just that. Demand was 
“artificially” increased leading to the Bertie Bubble. People like Michael 
Taft, Kieran Allen and Joe Higgins are exponents of Underconsumptionism. 
They patriotically wish to save Irish capitalism from destruction by a 
programme of public investment
The real future is that the Irish Republic will be forced into default or 
else be turned into an economic wasteland. The latter scenario may lead to 
the further centralisation and concentration of European capital to the 
advantage of its core imperialist economies. Now European imperialism has 
less need of bo

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] The Fate of a Cold War Vestige

2010-12-14 Thread c b
On Mon, Dec 13, 2010 at 5:19 PM,   wrote:
> On Dec 13, 2010, at 2:07 PM, c b wrote:
> ...It is something of a law of history that sooner or later all empires
> must collapse. ^ CB: See _Dialectics of Nature_ by Frederick Engels.
> _Everything_ has a beginning , middle and end. A mobius strip has none of 
> those
>  aspects. Nothing lasts forever.
> The universe lasts forever.
> Shane Mage
> Reply
> "Nothing" lasts forever by definition.

CB; And only death is eternal .

> Precisely because "nothing" is temporal to the human senses and exists
> outside a definite point in human understanding. That is why it is called
> "nothing."
> "Nothing" is a concept of the unknown.
> No one knows and can know how long the universe, as we understand it   . .
> . lasts. Maybe the universe collapses upon itself and become a new
> manifestation of "something."
> One thing is certain: nothing lasts forever, however one understand
> "nothing."
> WL.
> ___
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