
The first American Revolution of 1776 inaugurated the epoch of wars for  
national liberation as a form of history. Following on its heels was the 
Haitian  Revolution and Bolivar. The wars of national liberation predate the 
doctrine of  proletarian revolution and as a form of history transformation 
would run another  two hundred years closing out - as a history changing 
current, with the victory  of the Vietnamese Revolution and unification in 
Slavery in America  distorted everything the war of national liberation 
claimed as its  goal.   

The historic polarity between national  liberation movements and 
imperialism was the basis for groups - nations,  oppressed peoples, the 
gender, becoming aware of themselves, their  conditions and fighting it out. 
This historic polarity as a form of history, was  a driver of the transition 
from society anchored in the agrarian revolution to a  new kind of society 
anchored in the industrial revolution.   

The color factor was an insurmountable obstacle to the unity of  the 
fighting section of our working class. This is no longer the case. In the  
formation of capital the form of history was driven by New World conquest and  
enslaving the African. New World colonization and African slavery gave impetus  
to navigation, science and industry. An enormous world wide ideological  
superstructure arose to justify and protect colonization of the world’s colored 
 peoples. In America this ideology of destruction and enslavement arose on 
the  basis of genocide of the American Indian and later the plantation 
system of  slavery. Not all at one time but white supremacy arose and acquired 
seemingly  life of it‘s own. 

African Americans tended to be looked upon and  treated at best as if they 
were on the periphery of our country’s history. Their  being marginalized 
throughout most of our history reinforces this view.  Nevertheless, any 
serious inquiry into our history will show that the control,  manipulation and 
exploitation of the African American was at the heart of every  major and most 
minor decisions of the state prior to the Civil War, and a good  many of 
them after. The control of the African American has been the political  means 
by which the entire working class has been controlled and prevented from  
reforming the system, more in their favor.  Each reform of the system  
strengthened the hand of capital. 

Fortunately, history - as  evolution and development of the productive 
forces of a society, steps into the  social process in such a way as to unravel 
and shatter previously existing forms  of the social contract and a given 
historic form of control of the working  class. 

It is always appropriative to mention the catalyst for  change in society. 
In the past century the invention and deployment of the  tractor and 
mechanization of agriculture, had far reaching social consequences  for 
Not all at one time but inexorably. Mechanization freed eleven  million 
sharecroppers from the land and cast them as a mobile labor forces  seeking 
employment wherever it could be found. 

Society change has  a logic. 
When something fundamental to an existing economic relations and specific  
way labor is organized changes, everything dependent upon that, which was  
fundamental must in turn change. Not all at one time but a change wave is  
unleashed that must run its course. In the process of the change wave  
revolutionaries fight for change to benefit the proletarian  masses the  most. 
tractor changed the organization of agricultural production and  brought 
down the sharecropper system as one of the primary mode of the social  
organization of labor in the South. Millions of people were “kicked out of” a  
social position called sharecropping.  

Of these eleven  million sharecroppers - a distinct class formation in 
America, the majority were  white, with five million being black. The lesson 
revolutionaries is the  dynamics of the destruction of a class and/or form 
of class. The form of a class  changes under the impact of the technological 
advance. Qualitative changes in  the productive forces creates qualitative 
changes in the form of class and  property. The industrial revolution is a 
case in point. The serfs became  manufacturing workers and with the advance 
of the industrial revolution  industrial workers on the scale of history. 
Bourgeois property cast this  industrial workers as a wage worker or 
proletariat. Technology creates the  content versus the “property form” of 
called industrial, as surely as the  advance of technology created a class of 
software workers. The content of a  class can undergo change, in front of and 
without changing the property form  that cast a particular form of worker 

Freeing five  million black people from the land, in the context of an 
economic upswing,  called into question segregation. Were two factories to be 
built one black and  one white? Were two water foundations and two bathrooms 
to be built in every  factory to enforce segregation as a system? What of two 
parking lots, separate  lunch rooms and two seniority list for job 
advancement to be implemented in the  unionized North? Were blacks to be shut 
out of 
production during the post WW II  economic boom?  Like Jacob at the battle 
of Jericho, the wall of  segregation came tumbling down, but it required 
decades of intense social  conflict pitting workers against worker. 

Exactly who fought whom?  

Worker against worker within every layer of the working class. 
Now add the color factor. This is the how of the competition for jobs. The  
why is wage labor resting exclusively on the basis of the competition of 
the  workers for wages. Someone has to hire you rather than the other guy or 
girl.  Capitalist competition keep us at each others throat. 
Now place the civil rights movement in the context of completion of the  
political mandates of the Second American Revolution. Now, lets try to place 
the  Second American Revolution on a continuum of revolution that is the 
First  American Revolution inaugurating the national liberation movement. One 
can draw  any conclusion they please but let us at least establish a line of 
Somewhere in this narrative we are going to get to Black History only to  
discover we speak of American history and the melting pot. 
This is going to get ugly. Feeling are going to be hurt. The rise and fall  
of the so-called "black leader," as he intertwine with and expresses the 
rise  and fall of the industrial working class is the 2010 narrative.  

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