[Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: The election of Barack Obama 1

2009-02-27 Thread Charles Brown
Now that American society is undergoing a profound revolution in the   
society machinery

CB: What is the evidence and argument 
that _society_ is going through
a profound revolution in machinery ?
What characteristics of today's
new  machinery make the revolution
_profound_ in comparison with the
revolutions in machinery in the
last 100 years ?

Why is American society undergoing
this and not the whole world ?
If it is the whole world
then why not say the whole
world ?

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: The election of Barack Obama 1

2009-02-27 Thread Charles Brown
 The new antagonistic form of wealth is capital as  a 
(imaginary) value or wealth as valueless production. 

CB: Is it a new form ? Marx noted
ficticious capital. Or is it that
a new proportion of total profits
and capital is in the fictitious
capital sector.

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: The election of Barack Obama 1

2009-02-27 Thread Charles Brown
Our society is breaking down. This break down is material and ideological.  
Barrack Obama was called forth as President Obama to "fix what is broken." All  
the Kings horses and all the Kings men can put our society back together  
again;  at least on the old basis. Herein lays the rub.

CB: "Can't" ?

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: The election of Barack Obama 1

2009-02-27 Thread Charles Brown
Ralph:Yes, this is a crossroads . . . a conjuncture of the election of the 
first black president and a major crisis of capitalism. Those two facts are 
interdependent, interrelated, and quite important, but I've yet to see an 
insightful elucidation of the nature of that importance.  Decisive in this is 
not the election of a black president, but the fact that Cracker America, 
almost half of the white electorate, voted for McCain and is out for Obama's 
blood. I saw a documentary last night on HBO: "Right America: Feeling Wronged": 
a survey of white Americans who hate Obama. These aren't just white people, 
these are the whitest people you ever saw, the redneck kind that make your 
blood run cold. The kind not shy about telling you what they think about 
niggers. Granted, they are dinosaurs, and hopefully they will die out soon, but 
not soon enough.  Now the question is: how will Cracker America react to 
'socialist' Obama's handling of the economic crisis?  


CB; The racists are a danger, but the important
factor in this election is the great mass ofWhite Americans who voted _for_ 
Obama.That's what is new. The racists 
have alwaysbeen here.  This election was a point of tipping from the racists' 
majority to an anti-racist majority 
of the electorate. The racists are a danger. This is a crossroads, a crisis for 
the American system with, of course,
 danger and opportunity, massesof Whites with new thinking and openness. Which 
side are you on ?

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: The election of Barack Obama 1

2009-02-26 Thread Ralph Dumain
The characterization of Obama is not very informative. 

Yes, this is a crossroads . . . a conjuncture of the election of the first 
black president and a major crisis of capitalism. Those two facts are 
interdependent, interrelated, and quite important, but I've yet to see an 
insightful elucidation of the nature of that importance.  Decisive in this is 
not the election of a black president, but the fact that Cracker America, 
almost half of the white electorate, voted for McCain and is out for Obama's 
blood. I saw a documentary last night on HBO: "Right America: Feeling Wronged": 
a survey of white Americans who hate Obama. These aren't just white people, 
these are the whitest people you ever saw, the redneck kind that make your 
blood run cold. The kind not shy about telling you what they think about 
niggers. Granted, they are dinosaurs, and hopefully they will die out soon, but 
not soon enough.  Now the question is: how will Cracker America react to 
'socialist' Obama's handling of the economic crisis? 

-Original Message-
>From: waistli...@aol.com
>Sent: Feb 26, 2009 8:13 AM
>To: marxism-thaxis@lists.econ.utah.edu
>Subject: [Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity:  
>The election of Barack Obama 1
>Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: The election of  Barack Obama 
>By Waistline2 
>Obama: Change or continuity? (Part III) By Elíades Acosta Matos raises a  
>question whose answer is "both!" 

The key to understanding Obama the person and his administration resides in  
American history itself and this moment of capitalist crisis. Barack Obama is  
most certainly the chief executive officer of imperial capital but that does  
not  tell anyone very much. 
Dialectic of Revolution as history. 
Obama the person is the promise made flesh of our Second Revolutionary  War  
- the Civil War. Written on the banner of our Second Revolutionary War  is the 
 p romise, "toward a more perfect union," and then the idea of a  nation - 
not Union, conceived in liberty and justice. The living Obama as  symbol, 
manifest this promise, and is the crossing of the color line in American  
Without  understanding this tiny promise, and the crossing of the  color line, 
the behavior of the American peoples and the class intersection that  made his 
election possible makes no(n)-sense. The complexity as the moment,  resides 
in the need for bourgeoisie and revolutionary alike, compelled by the  logic of 
history, to appropriate the same history for diametrically opposed -  
antagonistic, purposes. 

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: The election of Barack Obama 1

2009-02-26 Thread Waistline2
Black History Month 2009 Change and continuity: The election of  Barack Obama 
By Waistline2 
Obama: Change or continuity? (Part III) By Elíades Acosta Matos raises a  
question whose answer is "both!" 


John Foster Dulles, leading Cold War warrior and America’s secretary of  
state from 1953 to 1959, summed up America’s foreign policy as, "no permanent  
friends, just permanent interest." This formula also applies to domestic 
Barack Obama election as President, proves something has changed  in American 
society, according to every political pole and tendency in  American  society 
itself. This "something" is bound up with American  history; the historic 
crossing of the color line; political shifts and political  realignments world 
wide and changes in the world wide mode of production  demanding policy shift 
US imperialism struggles to hold together the unity of  productive forces and 
productive relations world wide. Obama the person and  chief executive 
officer of  capital - his symbolic gestures/jesters and  rhetoric, are better 
understood  placed in a historical and political  context. 
Our society is breaking down. This break down is material and ideological.  
Barrack Obama was called forth as President Obama to "fix what is broken." All  
the Kings horses and all the Kings men can put our society back together  
again;  at least on the old basis. Herein lays the rub. 
The context and content of the current financial and economic crisis, an  
intense cyclical crisis of capitalism, is shaped and impacted by the increasing 
revolution - crisis, in the productive machinery of American society. America  
is  undergoing economic dislocation. This dislocation is a combination of  
revolution  in the productive forces, the emergence of an antagonistic form  of 
wealth and  new antagonistic classes, combined with a classical crisis  of 
capital reproduction.  The new antagonistic form of wealth is capital as  a 
(imaginary) value or wealth as valueless production. 
Society move in class antagonism. The dialectic of all social revolution is  
a combination of "contradiction" and "antagonism," with contradiction being  
replaced by antagonism. This process is slowly but inexorably underway in  
America, demanding disclosure and then President Obama‘s election place in that 
Contradiction and Antagonism. . 
The contradiction between the two basic classes holding society together,  
drives the system - mode of production, through all its quantitative 
 The introduction of new productive machinery creates new classes. With the  
emergence and quantitative expansion of new class(s), the new classes collide  
in  external collision - antagonism, with the existing classes of the old  
society,  founded on the old property relations. Then an epoch of social  
revolution  emerges. The basic class contradiction of feudal society was  
the serf  and the nobility, with neither being able to overthrow  the system of 
which they  constituted. The serfs were not birthed in, or  existed as an 
antagonistic class  in in relationship to/with the nobility  or the landed 
property relations,  despite its history of repeated violent  clashes. 
Why should not this very same dialectic apply to the two basic classes of  
capitalist society? 
At a certain stage of development of the productive forces, contradictions  
internal to feudal society, driving it through all its quantitative boundary’s  
were replaced, (not extinguished, but superseded) by an antagonism that  
appears  as the new classes being generated on the basis of the revolution  in 
productive forces. These new classes were bourgeoisie and proletariat. 
Feudal society as the landed property relations, did not "just  generate"  
the new classes, but rather a development in the productive  machinery of 
society is the material wherewithal for the emergence of the  new classes. 
Hence,  these classes emerging in the womb of the feudal order  were birthed in 
antagonism - not contradiction, with landed property and all its  social 
trappings and privileges. With the growth of industry - capital, segments  of 
serf as a class, undergoes transformation (metamorphosis), sheds its  "serf 
form," and become modern proletarians. This change in the form of the  working 
class, (from serf to modern proletariat) is the creation of an  antagonistic 
class, or contradiction being replaced - superseded, by antagonism. 
Now that American society is undergoing a profound revolution in the   
society machinery the difference between class contradiction and class   
rather than "antagonistic and non-antagonistic contradictions"  is  relevant. 
New classes in their infancy exist in America today in the  form of