2010-01-06 Thread c b
Ralph Dumain  wrote:
> Amazing. Is this one and the same ideological complex to be found in
> the current red-baiting of Obama? It seems so.

CB: Yes and no.  Obama isn't doing anything "communist".  Lincoln
executed the main US Communist platform plank for his day: abolish
slavery.  He did have the support of the commies and reds of his day.
And, then before Marx and Engels and communists became quite as
notorious as today, it wouldn't have been so scandalous or radical to
champion labor over capital as Lincoln does in the famous quote.

There's a whole "literature" of neo-Confederates demonstrating that
Lincoln was a Marxist/Communist. Oh please don't throw him into that
briar patch, masters.  These modern reactionaries think that painting
Lincoln red as a communist, in the modern period will discredit
Lincoln and the North in the Civil War. What it does is _give_ kudos
to Marx, Engels ,Wedemeyer and Communists for being so militantly and
radically anti-slavery compared to most in their day. Communists were
as militantly anti-slavery as other abolitionists; and of course they
were active supporters of the labor and trade union movements of their
day. Wedemeyer was a professional soldier in Germany; and Germany had
a leading military "culture".  So, many of the '48ers' like Wedemeyer
brought a high level of military science skills to the aid of the
North in the war; there were a lot of German generals and other
officers in the Union Army at the start. And many of the 48'ers had
experience with fighting from the 1848 revolutionary war in Germany

> At 11:31 AM 1/6/2010, c b wrote:
> >Ironically, it is the neo-Confederate rightwingers who are , I guess,
> >trying to bring back slavery in the South, who chronicle the enormous
> >contributions of German Communists to the military cause of the North
> >in the Civil War
> >
> >CB
> >
> >
> >
> >
> ___
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2010-01-06 Thread c b
Ironically, it is the neo-Confederate rightwingers who are , I guess,
trying to bring back slavery in the South, who chronicle the enormous
contributions of German Communists to the military cause of the North
in the Civil War



Their influence from then to now—How did it all begin? Did they leave
their footprints on our nation?

Why did Lincoln and his Republicans insist on attacking the sovereign
nation, the Confederate States of America? Why did Lincoln and his
Republicans refuse to compromise with the South?

Perhaps the following may set you on the pathway to truth and aid you
in answering both questions.

All that follows comes to us through the courtesy of Walter D. Kennedy
and Al Benson, from their explosive, iconoclastic history text
WAR (obtainable online at ). If
you think what you o read here is something“you ain’t seen nothin’
yet!” Do read the book. My impression of the contents in just one of
its chapters follows.


1. Brigadier General Joseph WEYDEMEYER of Lincoln’s army was a close
friend of Karl MARX and Fredrick Engels in the London Communist
League. Marx wrote Weydemeyer’s letter of introduction to Charles A.
DANA—an editor of New York Times Tribune. Weydemeyer was an escapist
from the Socialist/Communist Revolution. He fled to the U.S. and
became very active in the just-beginning Republican Party. He
supported Freeman in the Republican Party’s first election and Lincoln
in its second. He was described in a Communist publication as a
“PIONEER AMERICAN MARXIST.’ He wrote for and edited several radical
socialist journals in the U.S. (p. 200)

2. Assistant Secretary of War Charles A. DANA ---close friend of Marx,
published with Joseph Weydemyer a number of Communist Journals and,
also “The Communist Manifesto,” commissioned by Karl Marx. As a member
of the Communist/Socialist Fourier Society in America, Dana was well
acquainted with Marx and Marx’s colleague in Communism, Fredrick
Engels. Dana, also, was a friend of all Marxists in Lincoln’s
Republican Party, offering assistance to them almost upon their
arrival on the American continent. This happened often after receiving
introductory letters from Karl MARX, himself. (p. 196).

“Prior to the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, no other American did
more to promote the cause of communism in the United States than did
Dana.” (p. 141). It was due to Dana’s close friendship and work with
the New York Tribune editor, Horace Greeley, another dedicated
socialist, that Greeley employed Marx as a correspondent/contributor
to the U.S. newspaper. Dana became the first high-level communist in
an American administration---which was the FIRST REPUBLICAN
ADMINISTRATION in the United States of America.

3. Brigadier General Louis BLENKER, Lincoln’s army—radical
socialist/Communist from Germany—was remarkably successful in
encouraging German immigrants to join Lincoln’s army and the
Republican party. He promised Lincoln that he could get “. . .
thousands of Germans ready to fight for the preservation of the
Union.”(p. xiv). He was a leader in the Revolution in Germany and
fought in several battles there. When the Revolution failed, he went
to Switzerland where, along with other Marxists, he was ordered to
leave the country. His life in the U.S. was markedly grander than it
had been previously—on a much higher social level. As a General, he
offered a refuge to all Marxists. If unable to obtain a commission for
them, he made a place for them as “aide-de-camp.” Great food, great
drinks, great entertainment and servants were available for one and
all obtained, largely by looting defenseless civilians. This practice
was so flagrant, civilians who were looted, were considered
“Blenkered.” Later, Blenker, under accusations of graft, resigned his
commission. (p. 118)

4. Major General August WILLICH—often called “The Reddest of the Red
‘48ers” was a member of the London Communist League with Karl MARX and
Fredrick ENGLES. (p. xiv) Before seeking refuge in the U.S. Willich
was a personal acquaintance of Karl MARX. In fact, Marx referred to
Willich as “A communist with a heart.” Willich was a Captain in the
Prussian army when he met Karl Marx and became a Socialist/Communist.
The Prussian Army court martialed Willich and kicked him out of the
army. He, then, participated in the Socialist Revolution in Germany.
He fled the nation when the revolt was crushed, and eventually wound
up in the U.S. and became an editor of a newspaper in Cincinnati
written in the German language. He raised volunteers from the Germans
in his area and became their Captain. Eventually he became a general
and was, actually, a competent commander. He never ceased
indoctrinating his troops wi