from IHT more evidence for the importance of analysing contradictions among 
the bourgeoisie.

U.S.-Latin breach over Chavez Larry Rohter The New York Times Tuesday, 
April 16, 2002

SANTIAGO Venezuela's neighbors helped pave the way for President Hugo 
Chavez's stunning return to power by refusing to accept the legitimacy of 
the coup that overthrew him and by threatening to impose sanctions, Latin 
American diplomats say. The efforts opened a breach between the United 
States and its democratic allies in the Western Hemisphere.

Chavez pledged Sunday to help reconcile the deep political divisions - 
within the ranks of the military, in the business and labor sectors and at 
Venezuela's state-run oil company - that ignited the most serious political 
crisis in his tumultuous three-year presidency.

"I am issuing a call for understanding," he said after he resumed his 
presidential powers in a predawn ceremony in the presidential palace, two 
days after being forced from office.

Until last week, the United States had adopted a policy of restraint, 
apparently content to let the Chavez government collapse under its growing 
unpopularity. There were no obvious U.S. fingerprints on the plot that 
unseated Chavez, unlike coups in Guatemala in 1954 and Chile in 1973, for 
example. But Latin American countries are now left with the impression that 
the Bush administration is selective in its support for democracy. Chavez's 
supporters, on the other hand, took heart from an outpouring of criticism 
by other Latin American governments over the way he was deposed. The 
initial alarm around the region grew after the military-backed interim 
president, Pedro Carmona, dissolved Congress and talked of holding 
presidential elections only after a year had passed - measures that 
appeared to contravene the existing constitution.

"I have been and am a critic of many of the characteristics of the 
government of Hugo Chavez," said President Alejandro Toledo of Peru. But he 
added, "We are not defending the democratic characteristics of a particular 
government, we are defending the principle of the rule of law."

In contrast, the United States refused to characterize the initial removal 
of Chavez as a coup at all, arguing that he had brought his downfall upon 
himself. "The government suppressed what was a peaceful demonstration of 
the people," which "led very quickly to a combustible situation in which 
Chavez resigned," Ari Fleischer, the White House spokesman, said Friday.

Meeting in Washington on Saturday and Sunday, the Organization of American 
States approved a resolution condemning "the alteration of the 
constitutional order" in Venezuela and invoked a new "Democratic Charter" 
approved last September in Lima. That measure is one of several recent 
regional initiatives that create mechanisms, including sanctions, to 
isolate and punish governments that take power through nondemocratic means.

After lobbying behind the scenes for softer language, the United States 
also voted for the measure. "It was necessary to act energetically and 
decisively in defense of democratic principles, with or without the support 
of the United States, or lose credibility," a South American ambassador 
said Sunday.

As Toledo's remarks indicate, Chavez's leftist populism and his tendency 
toward demagoguery seem to make most of Latin America's elected leaders 
uncomfortable. President Fernando Henrique Cardoso of Brazil has been 
quoted as calling Chavez an "unconscious authoritarian," and both Colombia 
and Peru have persistently complained of his support for forces set on 
undermining their governments.

But the notion of permitting the armed forces of any Latin American country 
to resume their past role as ultimate arbiter, able to make and unmake 
elected presidents at will, is even more unpalatable. The strongest 
statements of condemnation of Chavez's ouster came from countries like 
Argentina, Paraguay and Peru, which have long histories of military 
interventions and dictatorships themselves.

"This is not an impression, it's the verification of a coup in Venezuela 
that I hope has a democratic resolution," President Eduardo Duhalde of 
Argentina, who came to office in January under questionable circumstances, 
said on Friday. On Saturday he said it was "not good news for the Americas 
when military coups once again overthrow governments elected by the people."

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