I wrote, for about the twentieth time over the past four years, in response 
to by dear friend and Comrade CB: 

>>It is not accurate to say that quantity or quantitative change turns into 
qualitative change and quality turns into quantity because this expresses only 
a perceptual understanding of the approach and method of Marx and Engels. 

Change is not a simple shift in the balance of forces or the simple increase 
or decrease of the old. While contradiction is the basis for growth and 
development, antagonism is the basis for destruction and the rise of something 
in society. More of the same thing or a quantitative increase in the dimensions 
of however the material factors or production are organized will never lead 
to a qualitative change in the productive forces. A quantitative increase in 
industrial application can never lead to a qualitative leap or a new quality of 
productive forces different from industrial implements. Quantity does not 
simply pass over to quality on its own in society - never. 

The quantitative introduction of a new quality (a quality antagonistic to the 
process of production, as it had existed) begins the leap or transition to a 
new qualitative state of development of production. The new quality develops 
quantitatively and, through a step-by-step process, disrupts and destroys 
whatever previously held the process of production together, as a system of 
reproduction. <<<

Quantitative differences pass into qualitative change. Still one has to 
explain or explore the emergence of that which is the different quantitative 
addition or difference. I do not clim this is the last word in Marxism or even 
fact or right for that matter.

I do asert that what I have written - again, makes more common sense that 
repeating a thousand times "quantitative change turns into qualitative change." 

By common sense I mean the sense that is more than less common to our society 
as it begins its passage from the industrial epoch and industrial modes of 


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