Carrol Cox is a Thaxis alumnus.

[Pen-l] Newsweek: Blame the libertarians

 [Pen-l] Newsweek: Blame the libertarians 
From: Carrol Cox <


raghu wrote:
> That's a fair point. Being unproven is, of course, a big problem for
> socialists and especially communists. 

No. Socialist struggles are never, actually, struggle for socialism to
begin with - that enters only at a very late stage, and almost by
accident as it were. They begin with struggles against (almost always, I
think, a saying No) some particular horror of the capitalist society
(Jim Crow in the South), and as they develop more and more within them
see that more is at issue than the particular aims of the struggle. It
branches out. The struggle becomes against capitalism (with only an
active minority thinking specifically in terms of an alternative). By
the time Socialism becomes the order of the day there is _still_ no need
to "prove" or even argue for socialism: it has simply become the only
alternative available.

And it is within that struggle that the specific features of the
particular socialism in question get hammered out, with any formula for
socialism we might excogitate now being pretty irrelevant.

It is even more problematic for
> anyone who believes a socialist revolution has to be worldwide or not
> at all.

This is probably true, but  it still poses no problem of prooving
anything in advance. A popular mass movement within a given country does
not start all over the place at once. Sometimes it simply starts at one
lunch counter or someone getting ticked off in the streets of Watts.
(The riots were every bit as important as the more formal pats of the
civil-rights movement.) Similarly, a "woeld-wide" revolution (or a
widely spread revolution in several major areas to be more realistic)
can't be planned in advance. If a really massive struggle happens in one
nation, and if the conditions sparking it are widely spread, it may may
trigger struggles elsewhere. One can't write recipes for the cookshops
of the future.

There is no hard-and-fast-theory of what a revolution is. It is a mass
struggle that sudenly becomes more than itself, and the people in it
have to start using their fucking brains as best as they can.

 The world can, perhaps, rightly be skeptical of the wisdom of
> any such large scale experiment.

"Experiment" is a really bad, even disgusting, word to use here. There
are no controlled laboratory conditions in human history.


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