There is at least one surviving blog by Guy Robinson:

Guy's Philosophical Nuggets

Among other things, his correspondence with Thomas Kuhn can be found 
here. As is usual for all reactionary philosophies, Robinson's 
bugbear is Descartes and the Enlightenment. For an advocate of 
dialectics, there is no dialectical thinking here. See Robinson's first post:

the Qestions

Now look at this:


Here, in lukewarm support for Meera Nanda's hardcore anti-pomo 
anti-subjectivist approach to science, Robinson reveals his 
philosophical bankruptcy.

"Yet at the same time we can find deeply problematic Galileo's image 
of 'The Book of Nature' in which the sciences are already 'written in 
mathematical symbols'. Equally problematic is the picture of 
scientific progress as the approach to some ultimate and final truth. 
That view of a truth standing above and outside of all of humanity, 
human interests, human practices and human languages has a pretty 
clearly theological character that ought to ring some alarm bells 
amongst Marxists.
"It is not that we have to find some via media between the 'realist' 
and the 'anti-realist'. We have to see that both positions are 
incoherent and unintelligible."


"It is neither Marxist nor helpful to picture scientific progress in 
the way Meera Nanda wants to, as 'increase in truthfulness', that is, 
as an approach to to some (presumably unattainable) ideal, an 
'ultimate truth'. I have criticized this 'approach' model of progress 
elsewhere (also in Philosophy and Mystification - ch.11, 'On 
Misunderstanding Science'). Here I will say only that it is both 
undialectical and un-Marxist, and that we can make sense neither of 
the ideal nor of the notion of approaching it. (It has its political 
counterpart in the utopian socialisms that were roundly and rightly 
criticized by Marx and Engels.)"


You can read the rest of Robinson's amalgam of sense and nonsense for 
yourself. But this can serve as evidence of the worthlessness of 
Wittgensteinian Marxism.

Scientific Realism and the correspondence theory of truth are 
correct; their opposites are wrong.
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