Ian Angus on Charles Darwin


February 6, 2009

Charles Darwin and Materialist Science

*By Ian Angus. *February 12, 2009 is Darwin Day, the 200th anniversary 
of the birth of Charles Darwin. His masterwork,
 /On the Origin of 
Species/, was published 150 years ago, in November 1859, initiating a 
revolution in science that continues to this day.

Although Darwin’s political views were far 
from radical, his insights 
became the central weapons in the battle to establish materialist 
science as the basis for our understanding 
of the world, and contributed 
to the development of Marxism.

Charles Robert Darwin was, to say the 
least, an unlikely revolutionary. 
His father was a prominent physician and wealthy investor; his 
grandfather was Josiah Wedgwood, founder 
of one of the largest 
manufacturing companies in Europe. He could have lived a life of leisure 
— instead he devoted his life to science.

After graduating from Cambridge in 1831,
 22-year-old Charles Darwin 
boarded the British survey ship /HMS Beagle/ as an unpaid naturalist, 
subsidized by his doting father. 
When he returned after five years, he 
had thousands of pages of scientific observations, over 1,500 carefully 
preserved specimens — and growing 
doubts about the dominant scientific 
and religious ideas of his day.

*A heretical conclusion*

At that time, Darwin wrote in his 1861
 introduction to /Origin/, “the 
great majority of naturalists believed that species were immutable 
productions, and had been separately 
created.” Biblical literalists and 
deists alike agreed that species were fixed by divine law. Dogs might 
vary in appearance, but dogs don’t 
give birth to cats.

After five years of travel and two years 
of study at home, Darwin came 
to a heretical conclusion: species were not immutable. All animals were 
descended from common ancestors, 
different species resulted from gradual 
changes over millions of years, and God had nothing to do with it.

It is difficult, today, to understand 
how shocking this idea would be to 
the middle and upper classes of Darwin’s time. Religion wasn’t just the 
“opium of the masses”— it gave the wealthy
 moral justification for their 
privileged lives in a world of constant change and gross inequality. The 
world was unfolding according to God’s 
wishes, and anyone who questioned 
that endangered the very fragile social order.

Nevertheless, by the 1830s educated people knew that the /Genesis/ 
creation story couldn’t be literally true.
 The rise of capitalism in the 
1700s had led to booms in mining and canal building: those works exposed 
geological layers and ancient fossils that 
clearly contradicted the idea 
of a recently-created earth.

In the same period, imperialism led to global exploration and the 
discovery of more varieties of plant and animal 
life than any European 
had ever imagined. Why had the Creator been so extravagant? And why, if 
each animal was created separately, were 
their underlying structures so 
similar — why do bats’ wings, whales’ flippers, lions’ paws and human 
hands all contain the same bones?

Many attempts were made to preserve a central 
role for God and creation 
in the face of this evidence. Perhaps the most sophisticated was 
developed in the 1850s by Richard Owen, 
head of natural science at the 
British Museum and inventor of the word “dinosaur.” He argued that all 
animals are variations on ideas — 
“archetypes” — in God’s mind. God 
“foreknew all variations” on those archetypes, and made them real in 
forms that would suit various environments or 
situations over time.

At the opposite end of the philosophical spectrum, the great French 
biologist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck offered a
 non-religious explanation. He 
proposed that there is a “chain of being,” a ladder of life, with 
single-celled animals at the bottom and 
humans at the top. Nature 
constantly and spontaneously creates new creatures that have an innate 
drive to climb the ladder, becoming more 
complex, or perfect, over time.

As they climb, they also adapt to environmental changes: giraffes have 
long necks because their ancestors had 
to stretch to reach high leaves, 
while fish that live in caves are blind because their ancestors’ vision 
declined as a result of disuse. This 
concept was not central to 
Lamarck’s theory, but “inheritance of acquired characteristics” has 
since become inextricably connected to his name.

*A materialist explanation*

While Lamarck and others just /speculated/ 
that species changed over 
time, Darwin provided convincing /evidence/. More important, he showed 
that it happened by natural processes, 
without any help from gods or 
mysterious progressive forces. That is, his explanation of evolution was 

In Darwin’s theory, three factors combine 
to create new species: 
variation, inheritance, and natural selection. There are many 
differences between the members of any 
species, and those differences 
will result in some individuals being more likely to survive 
environmental changes and so pass on 
their variations to the next 
generation. Over long periods of time, such variations will spread 
through the population, while any that 
reduce the possibility of 
reproduction will decline. Eventually the accumulation of new 
characteristics results in new species.

Darwin developed the key elements of his 
theory by 1838, but didn’t 
publish it because he knew how hostile the scientific community of his 
day was to both materialism and evolution . 
Only after 20 years, when he 
had become one of the best-known and most respected naturalists in 
England, did he finally make his heresy public.

/On the Origin of Species/ was an instant 
best-seller. The publisher 
printed 1,250 copies but received orders for 1,500 copies on the first 
day. A second edition of 3,000 copies followed
 in a few weeks, and some 
110,000 copies were sold in England by the end of the century.

While Darwin’s ideas were quickly accepted by 
many scientists, 
especially younger ones, they were roundly condemned by the scientific 
establishment and by religious leaders. Adam 
Sedgwick, Darwin’s geology 
professor at Cambridge, called /On the Origin of Species/ “utterly false 
and grievously mischievous” and declared his
 “detestation of the theory, 
because of its unflinching materialism,” while Richard Owen denounced it 
as an “abuse of science.”

*Marx and Engels and Darwin*

Outside official scientific circles, Darwin’s 
ideas found strong support 
in the workers movement. Friedrich Engels said 
/Origin/ was “absolutely 
splendid,” and Karl Marx called it “the book which contains the basis in 
natural history for our view.”

Marx’s friend Wilhelm Liebknecht later recalled 
that “when Darwin drew 
the conclusions from his research work and brought them to the knowledge 
of the public, we spoke of nothing else for
 months but Darwin and the 
enormous significance of his scientific discoveries.”

In /Origin,/ Marx and Engels/ /found a 
materialist explanation of 
nature’s history to complement and strengthen their materialist 
explanation of human history. They 
particularly valued Darwin’s 
demonstration that nature has a history 
that can be explained in 
materialist, natural terms. In /Anti-D//ühring/, Engels wrote:

“Nature works dialectically and not 
metaphysically … she does not
move in the eternal oneness of a perpetually recurring circle, but
goes through a real historical evolution. 
In this connection, Darwin
must be named before all others. He dealt the metaphysical
conception of Nature the heaviest blow by
 his proof that all organic
beings, plants, animals, and man himself, are the products of a
process of evolution going on through 
millions of years.”

*A triumph for humanity*

Darwin spent most of the rest of his life 
researching evolution and 
natural selection, while his supporters defended his ideas against the 
most influential opinion leaders of his day. 
By the time he died in 
1882, few scientists still disputed the fact of evolution — but it took 
much longer for most to accept the materialist
 core of Darwin’s work, 
that variation and natural selection are the processes that drive 
evolution. For decades scientists searched 
for an alternative to natural 
selection that would be compatible with the idealist conception that 
God, or some equivalent progressive tendency 
in nature, guided evolution 
upwards until humans emerged as the pinnacle of creation.

But twentieth century genetic research proved 
that Darwin was right all 
along: that variations occur naturally, and that natural selection is 
the main force determining which variations 
survive and spread.

Darwin’s commitment to naturalist science has
 triumphed. No modern 
scientist, not even one with deep religious convictions, would today 
suggest that “then a miracle happened” is an 
acceptable explanation for 
anything in nature, including the origins, immense variety and constant 
changes in life on our planet.

This materialist victory in science is one of 
humanity’s greatest 
achievements. For that reason alone, no matter what his hesitations, 
delays or prejudices, Charles Darwin deserves
 to be remembered and 
honoured by everyone who looks forward to the ending of superstition and 
ignorance in all aspects of life.

The idea that nature has a history, that 
species come into existence, 
change and disappear through natural processes, is just as 
revolutionary, and just as important to 
socialist thought, as the idea 
that capitalism isn’t eternal but came into being at a given time and 
will one day disappear from the earth.

/Ian Angus// is an associate editor of Socialist Voice 
<http://www.socialistvoice.ca/>, and editor of the online journal 
Climate and Capitalism <http://www.climateandcapitalism.com/>. He is 
currently writing a book on Darwin and materialism.

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