Me: <<<What the modern students and folks who drift into  "Malthusianism" 
present is an equation that examines food production capacity  and living 
requirements (human needs) as energy conversion and resource use and  depletion 
multiply this by an expanding population. They arrive at the  conclusion that 
there are to many people on earth and the magnitude of people  poses a serious 
problem to the carrying capacity of the earth.  >>>>


>>>CB: And they are right.  

Again , just throwing in the word "Malthusianism" is Sartesian idiocy.  Also,
the chopped off phrase "there are too many people on earth..." is the  same
type of baiting. They don't just say there are too many people on  earth,
with the ominous implication that some people are going to have to  be
"offed". They assert that the number of people who depend vitally  and
critically on fossil fuels under the fossil fuel energy regime could  mean
catastrophic dieoff because fossil fuels are reaching depletion. "Too  many
people on earth" is your usage. Say it the way they do, if you want  to
represent accurately what "they" are saying.  <<<


Me: "And they are right" . . . really. I  respect your opinion but this is 
the dispute. Here is the argument. You say they  are "right." I say they are 
"wrong." That is the dispute. This is what I call  bad math and bourgeois 

I of course disagree with the theory  premise. The theory premise uses the 
shape of commodity production as the basic  multiplier. This means "they" 
multiply a box of Town House Crackers by 6.5  billion people and say . . . 
food production is being out stripped by  population growth." 

This means that the Town House Crackers is not  understood as the expression 
of a social relations of production or a  historically evolved shape of 
production or commoditization par excellent. This  commodity, not simply the 
as commodity is destructive to the earth by  definition. The solution is not 
socialist Town House Crackers or sharing cracker  consumption. 
My approach begins with an unraveling of what is actually  produced and its 
metabolic impact on man himself as the environment that is  earth. The impact 
of eating a carrot for instance cannot be solved in theory,  unless one begins 
with its origin roughly 500 years ago and its reshaping as a  commodity. The 
"need" for carrots reside in a misunderstanding of eating and  nutrition. Mass 
production of wrong food and mass consumption comes later. Mass  production 
and consumption of sugar is outright insanity and everyone  instinctively 
understands this. Sugar use begins as a drug and military  application. The 
consumption of milk by adults is more insanity. What is  being produced as food 
evolved on the basis of a rudimentary understanding of  the metabolic process 
of man and nature. 

My "Running Notes on  Consumption, overpopulation and the carrying capacity 
of the earth. (1)" begins  with an article  "Eating Fossil Fuel"   
( and states this "is a wonderful title. Why do 
 we eat 
what we eat?" 

Why do "we eat what we eat" is a fundamentally  different approach than 
multiplying what we eat by the number people on  earth. Why do we eat what we 
rather than multiplying what we eat by the  amount of people on earth is a path 
that takes Marx suggestion to go to the root  of man. "Sartesian idiocy" 
approaches the issue from the social relations of  production embodied in every 
single commodity as bourgeois production and  bourgeois embodiment and 
challenged the estimates of oil magnitude and  production and basically say's 
problem is the social relations. This general  approach is 100% Marxist. 

Food production . . . here is where the  "Malthus thing" comes in . . . has 
to take into account the antithesis between  town and country. The "antithesis 
between town and country" or the separation or  compartmentalization of food 
production (not simply serfs and town folks or city  versus country side, but 
their historical reality as institutions of human  survival and consumption, 
with the property relations within) as a separate  industry outside of the 
is the appearance form of the metabolic  breach. That this historical breach 
is reshaped on the basis of capital is  assumed. 

It gets deeper because what is produced for exchange is  indifferent to the 
nutrient needs of man. The nutrient needs of man is hotly  contested on the 
basis of a science that views consumption and metabolism on the  basis of 
industrial concepts. Metabolism cannot be reduced to meaning change or  

Human population has not out run the capacity of the  earth to produce man's 
required nutrient needs. What is being produced and how  it is being produced 
is called into question and not simply the basis -  commodity production, or 
reproduction on the basis of circuits of capital. If in  fact, we face an 
energy crisis as fossil fuel depletion, it is an act of  insanity to produce 
90% of 
everything we produce and consume on earth,  especially what we call food. A 
donut is not food but rather an eatable  substance. 

Actually, I did use the figures concerning food consumption  per individual 
in America and challenged what is being consumed, its origin as a  need and not 
simply how it is being produced. Then the obesity crisis and it is  a 
freaking crisis was pin pointed. 

We make false assumption rooted in  the social relations of bourgeois society 
and its industrial configuration. Our  housing pattern is totally bourgeois 
with living space conceived on the basis of  the individualism of the bourgeois 
as owner and ruler of his market share in the  kingdom of capital. This 
totally bourgeois and industrial conception of "space"  and living took shape 
the basis of an advanced metabolic breach between town  and country. Fruit 
and certain vegetation should be grown and exists in  inseparable unity with 
our living quarter in all hospitable climates. This  separation is a sharp 
expression of a metabolic breach, not simply the commodity  form. 

Population is not outrunning the capacity of the earth to sustain  us. 
Population has hit the wall of social relations of production and the  
specific shape of the market pattern, in my opinion. We have not  hit the 
thermo dynamic barrier but rather the social relations of bourgeois  society 
counter to the metabolic process of the earth. 
The solution to a problem - any problem, has to be present in the  
presentation and formulation of the issue. 

Now the issue is deeper in  respect to the energy regime or energy grid that 
underlie our particular mode of  production or the shape of the market 
pattern. The quest is not for a "perpetual  motion machine," - a concept that 
more about the users theoretical  concepts. 

The concept of a machine that is perpetual is a  mechanical conception of 
transformation and views the earth and the solar  system as a machine rather 
a chemical process. Energy transformation is not  a mechanical process or 
rather the industrial concept of transformation is  wrong because it is 
predicated upon a conception that begins as imaginative  structures of a closed 
A "machine structure" is conceived that takes  into it a substance acting as 
a catalyst and on the basis of mechanical  principles something is produced or 
comes out as the end product. Perpetual  motion concepts and devices have 
been deflating hopes and fleecing investors  since the Middle Ages. 

This concept and imaginative shape of ideas is  exactly how man's metabolic 
process is understood and the body is viewed as a  machine that takes into it 
fuel and excrete feces. The body is not a machine,  but rather machines are 
imaginative shapes of concepts of the body, or as it is  said, an extension of 
the body. Man does not eat inorganic substances and on the  basis of blood - 
metabolism, converts these substances into organic molecules.  Such a feat is 
impossible and happens to be the role of plant life. Nor does  what we 
eat as a society strengthens the electrical charge of our cell  structure but 
in fact drives the breach. The breach is in the disruption of the  electrical 
charge of the cells. Why do you and me and everyone else eat donuts,  
crackers, potato chips, meat, ice cream, cookies, and a thousand and one other  

It gets deeper because we actually believe on the basis of  observation, that 
what we eat is converted into fuel with a "drop off" which is  not usable or 
becomes unavailable to us as energy (feces) - entropy. 

The  problem is that society only senses, but does not yet believe that we 
exist as a  pathological condition, and our power of observation has been 
blunted and  conditioned by industrial concepts and a radical misunderstanding 
(historically  evolved) of the body metabolic process. How can population 
growth be 
said to be  out stripping the metabolic process of the earth to feed us when 
90% of  everything we eat has no nutrimental value and is not food in the 
first place?  The barrier is the social relations not the carrying capacity of 
earth,  which cannot be ascertained until man is brought into harmony with 
the  spontaneous metabolic process of the earth. 

This is so obvious as to be  taken as a "given" - starting point,  within 

Now the  question in my mind is "how does one authenticate their 
conclusions?" I  personally, have never been asked to authenticate my approach 
to man's 
metabolic  process because most comrades proceed from an apparent truth of 
society and man,  which is no more than the truth of bourgeois production. 

People who do  not eat meat - and meat is not the worst things we eat as a 
society, already  know that meat eating is not necessary for the vitality of 
human organism.  We tend to speak of mystification and the fetish that 
attaches itself to  commodity production as an economic equation or social 
of production  appearing as/is material relations of production detached from 
the earth and its  metabolic process. Social relations are by definition 
historically specific  shapes of metabolic processes. 

If the materialist conception of history  begins with mans need to eat, do we 
have to wait another 100 years before we  examine the history of eating? If 
the law of value pivots on the cost of  reproduction of the workers and eating 
is fundamental to reproduction of the  species, when do we tackle the 
metabolic of eating? This question of eating was  solved years ago outside 
Marxism. I have cited my source material  repeatedly over the past three years.

The problem of over population is  the appearance form of something else 
because there are not too many people in  the earth outstripping the ability of 
the earth to provide our nutrimental  needs. The problem is the social 

"Sartesian idiocy" is in  fact the most elementary entry point of Marxism. 
One is never wrong factually or  in theory to state the issue of over 
is a question of the social  relations of society. 


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