>> C.B.: "Malthusian", or  "neo-neo-Malthusian" as Waistline says, gets used
indiscriminately , but not  specifically the theory that the population
increases geometrically and the  food supply increases arithmetically.

Basically, the definition of  "Malthusian" put forth here is that any
argument that in any way mentions  overpopulation is Malthusian error. But
Marx argument against Malthus is more  specific. <<

Reply: Population has not outstripped the ability of  the earth to provide 
for our nutrimental needs or the latent capacity of our  current state of 
development of science and the technological regime. What is  being produced 
and the 
basis or reason for its production is the cardinal issue  of our lives. 

Over production as a feature of bourgeois production and  the concept of the 
"carrying capacity of the earth" are very different concept  approaches to the 
social organization of our species. Any argument that mentions  
overpopulation is in fact neo-neo Malthusianism. Overpopulation means a  
population that is 
"over" the ability of something. Overpopulation means a  population mass that 
exceeds the metabolic process of the earth and what is  being exceeded is the 
capacity of the social organization of bourgeois property.  

I do not like to speak for others but DMS is correct is framing the  issue. 


>>CB: The hypothesis of oil "depletion" is  a different qualitative element 
in the technological matrix than the concept of  food production that grows at a
relative rate that is too slow for population  growth. Arithmetic increase of
food production is a qualitatively different  problem than oil "depletion".

Reply: Oil depletion, with the word  depletion in quotes is not how the 
authors DMS mentions, present the issue.  Further oil "depletion" is not a 
different qualitative element . . . as a  commodity. Under bourgeois property 
oil is 
produced for its exchange property .  . . period. It's utility is why it can be 
converted into a commodity in the  first instance, in as much as nothing 
without use can enter the world of  exchange. Oil has to be treated first as a 
commodity to compare it with food  production or food as a commodity. Food 
obviously is more important to our  species than oil. OK! 

In the absence of the commodity form, the  comparison between oil and food is 
on the basis of their metabolic quality as  spontaneously springing from the 
earth. The moment modern utility and  consumption enters the question we are 
talking about social organization and  property relations on which sits . . . 
or more accurately, as this social  organization and property governs 
reproduction, exchange and distribution or the  commodity form and the law of 
value. It 
is not the "use value" - in quotes or  the utility of oil that is decisive, 
but in fact its commodity form which gives  our market pattern (infrastructure 
and productivity infrastructure) its general  shape and reality. 

This is the dispute or the different sides on the  issue of oil utility. The 
issue is not posed as the role of oil in an industrial  society but the role 
of oil as a commodity in a commodity producing industrial  society whose use 
and reproduction is driven by the law of value. In this  respects Soviet 
socialism was an industrial form of socialism and a commodity  producing 
society with 
different property relations. 

>>CB:  Arithmetic increase of food production is a qualitatively different 
problem than  oil "depletion".

Reply: This is true if one proceeds from a concept of  "Arithmetic increase 
of food production," which I consider bad math. An  "Arithmetic increase of 
food production" is not abstract but governed by the  bourgeois property 
relations, as it inherits "food stuff," and then creates  needs unique to its 
impulse for reproduction and in this sense, determines  what is produced and 

An "Arithmetic increase of food  production" as a concept is Malthusianism. 
Even if one proceed from this  "bad math" and Malthusianism . . . sorry 
comrade, it would mean measuring all  the food stuff produced in relationship 
6.3 billion people on earth and then  presenting a framework assigning each 
individual a portion of the food supply.  

The world population has not exceeded the food supply, even from this  point 
of view of bad math. This conclusion is observable on the basis of obesity  in 
America and all imperial centers. The fact of these citizens (as an average)  
carrying with them for a lifetime at least 10-20 lbs of un discarded food in  
their body, which is the living proof of over consumption, gluttony, wrong  
eating and imperial privilege cannot be easily ignored. 

Comrade,  consider the evidence carefully. World hunger is real. Hunger 
throughout  continental Africa is not due to population expanding faster than 
metabolic  ability of the earth to provide for the populations nutrient needs 
or the  "Arithmetic increase of food production." 

Modern hunger is exclusively  the result of the social organization of the 
productive forces, with the  property relations within, buttressed by a 
historical ignorance of the authentic  science of the human body. People are 
hunger because the carrying capacity  of the earth has been violated on the 
of population mass and density or  the "Arithmetic increase of food 

In a happy communist world  Africa alone could probably provide the 
fundamental nutrient needs of 10 billion  people. The neo-neo-Malthus champions 
depletion theory and over population  (carrying capacity of the earth) drift 
an ideological alignment with the  imperial theorists in league with the 
criminal bourgeois elements in the less  developed countries, crying crocodile 
tears over population size, when they know  in their hearts it is the social 
organization and property relations that starve  humanity. It is the exchange 
relations of bourgeois property that starve people  and not some abstract 
of the carrying capacity of the earth and  "sustainability" or as brilliantly 
stated . . . "Arithmetic increase of food  production."

Honest to God . . . liquidate the bourgeois property  relations and watch the 
carrying capacity of the earth leap ten fold. We have  not run into the wall 
of thermo-dynamics or the wall beyond which the metabolic  process of the 
earth is exceeded. Nor has any credible evidence been offered  that says we 
cross the point where oil existence begins to decay. In fact  what is stated is 
that we are approaching the top of the bell curve based on  accounting of oil 

Is hunger in India the result of exceeding  the earth's carrying capacity or 
the social organization of the productive  forces? Is hunger in China - if any 
exists as such, the result of exceeding the  earth's carrying capacity or the 
social organization of the productive forces?  Is hunger in Mexico the result 
of exceeding the earth's carrying capacity or the  social organization of the 
productive forces?

Food production is a  bourgeois property relations. DMS is correct and firmly 
within Marxism to state:  

<<<To argue as Mark Jones and his followers do, that this is  the 
of absolute geological scarcity is to set the stage for an  ideological
alignment along lines of overpopulation, i.e. Malthus.  And  if you read the
followers of Hubbert, Campbell, Deffeyes, etc. they are most  certainly
Malthusian. >>>


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