Secondly, I am _agreeing_ with Butler. My statement pronounces the same 
principle that she seems to make in her statement. I am agreeing with her long 
sentence. She seems to be describing how a structure changes - a dialecticians 
response to structuralism, perhaps the first post-structural principle. 
Structures change when practice based on the ideas of the structure comes into 
conflict with objective reality . Practice is the test of theory, a la the 
Second Thesis on Feuerbach. Necessity is the mother of invention. Special 
Contradiction between structure and event is the way that the structure can 
change. Structures are not self-changing because they are formal or symbolic 
logics for which non-contradiction is the first principle. It is the 
dialectical logic (with first principle is contradiction , the relationship 
between theory and practice, practical-critical or revolutionary activity ( see 
First Thesis on Feuerbach) that changes the structure. 

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