Some of this is sociological nonsense got from wikipedia--only an
academic would come up with a 25% rule for mixed racial status, as if
that was verifiable for most people, like AKC registered dogs or

However, it does point out the difference in perception across those
who consider themselves white and those who consider themselves black
in regards to BO (who I will soon really stop writing about as I said
I would):
>>United States

According to a recent study about one third of all white Americans, 74
million, have between 2 and 20 percent Native American and/or African
admixture.[9] Distant Native American ancestry is fairly common in
white Americans of certain regions of the country and usually falls
short of the 25% definition of multiraciality.

Increasingly, U.S. society is no longer willing to pigeon-hole
multiracial people into just one race. For example, although Barack
Obama self-identifies as African-American despite having a white
mother, 55 percent of whites classified him as biracial instead of
black after being told of his maternal descent. Blacks were less
willing to acknowledge a mulitiracial category, with 66% considering
him black.[10] >>

I'm not sure that is such a significant difference though.

Anyone out there interested in the Melungeons or the Tribe of Ishmael/Ismail?
What was done to the tribe in the US parallels and pre-dates the Nazi
treatment of gypsies, Jews and Slavs in Central and Eastern Europe.
But the US genocide against the indigenous nations has yet to be
sufficiently historicized (while the racial and eugenic treatment of
Melungeon and Ishmaelites is obscure to most Americans).


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