Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Test - please ignore

2010-12-01 Thread farmelantj
On Wed, 1 Dec 2010 16:41:43 -0500 writes:
> On Wed, 1 Dec 2010 16:10:24 -0500 writes:
> > 
> > Jim Farmelant
> >
> >
> > Learn or Review Basic Math
> > 
> > 
Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

Obama Urges Homeowners to Refinance
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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Test - please ignore

2010-12-01 Thread farmelantj
On Wed, 1 Dec 2010 16:10:24 -0500 writes:
> Jim Farmelant
> Learn or Review Basic Math
Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

Obama Urges Homeowners to Refinance
If you owe under $729k you probably qualify for Obama's Refi Program

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Test - please ignore

2010-12-01 Thread farmelantj

Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

Obama Urges Homeowners to Refinance
If you owe under $729k you probably qualify for Obama's Refi Program

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Test

2010-07-07 Thread Carrol Cox

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[Marxism-Thaxis] test

2010-04-01 Thread Waistline2

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[Marxism-Thaxis] test

2010-03-30 Thread Shane Mage

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[Marxism-Thaxis] test

2008-10-27 Thread Charles Brown

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[Marxism-Thaxis] Test

2008-04-06 Thread Jim Farmelant

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Test

2007-08-23 Thread Charles Brown
I may be lliterate, but at least she admits I'm logical.



Logical Illiterates Strike Again

A year or so ago I had the great misfortune to correspond with an irascible 
fellow who could not resist making ill-informed comments about my Essays, all 
the while refusing to read them.

I refused to continue to correspond with him on that basis, and, it seems, he 
has been sulking ever since. Last year I had occasion to slap some materialist 
sense into him (here), but I fear that this incorrigible Idealist is beyond 
even my help. Despite several attempts to inoculate him from his own folly, Mr 
B has once again demonstrated that he is immune to the influence of modern 
logic, preferring his own brand of sub-Hegelian make-believe. Commenting on an 
argument of mine, he had this to say:

"CB: The sentence 'John is a man' means John is both the same and different 
from Joe, Jack, Rosa, Charles...  It is precisely the 'is' of predication that 
is a unity and struggle of opposites. The 'is' of identity  'He is John.' -- 
that is not a tautology.

CB: This should be 'that is a tautology'." [Quotation marks changed to conform 
to the conventions adopted here.]

This odd piece of reasoning was exposed for what it is here, and here.

Despite this, Mr B hopes to neutralise my arguments by referring merely to his 
own not inconsiderable authority in this field -- that is, the field usually 
occupied by Popes and assorted dictators whose word is law. And in matters 
logical, that should be enough for us. It certainly is for Mr B.

He now deigns to comment on the musings of my colleague Babeuf; here is an 
example of truly innovative historical materialism:

"CB: Another fundamental activity was the raising of children. I'm thinking 
language/culture emerged between parents and children."

It is reasonably clear that Mr B has shot from the hip again -- or rather shot 
from the holster and into his foot --, for if the above were the case, not only 
would parents and children confront each other like Pentecostal ecstatics, 
mouthing incomprehensible noises at one another, no two families would share 
the same idiolect. Communication between families would thus be impossible. In 
that case, 'culture', as Mr B sees it, would soon begin to resemble that 
cacophony which constantly sounds in his head.

Now, in Essay Twelve Part One, I asserted that most Marxists give lip-service 
to the idea that language is a social phenomenon, but fail to think through the 
implications of that fact, and talk and write as if language were a private 
affair. Mr B has shown once again that when it comes to getting things wrong, 
he is keen to elbow his way to the front of the queue. How language can be 
social, but remain a family affair is perhaps another one of the 
'contradictions' that still compromises his thought processes:

"Before I had even heard of dialectics -- living in the a mental (sic) world of 
strict formal logic -- I started to 'run into' lots of contradictions and 
paradoxes. My own road to dialectics was a posteriori, not a priori."

Mr B here confuses matters biographical with matters logical; unless --, of 
course, he thinks paradoxes are a posteriori. But, even if he were right, this 
otherwise commendable public confession of his own confused thought should not 
be read as mere humility. On the contrary, the road to Hermetic-enlightenment 
-- a path which all true dialecticians have to pass along in order to qualify 
as adepts (and the reasons for this are exposed here)  -- elevates them way 
above the rest of us mortals. This means that if ever they regain power 
somewhere they can screw-up once more in a truly almighty and awe-inspiring 
manner. After all, they have a suitably screwy theory to help them on their way.

But what is this? It is none other than our old friend Mr D, who  volunteers a 
riposte so devastating I hesitate to post it here for fear it might affect the 
reader's sanity:

"This is just stupid, even more stupid than the Trotskyist recitations of 

Mr D, someone who is not known for his ability to string a clear argument 
together -- but a well-respected expert at drawing attention to that fact --, 
probably does not know that the material about which he is commenting has to be 
compressed into a three minute slot, and has to be kept to a level that makes 
it comprehensible to mere workers. And here he can be forgiven, for over the 
years, at his site, he has developed an enviable skill at repelling such lowly 
types, and to the extent that he has probably forgotten their limitations. One 
of which is that they find the mystical ideas he spouts incomprehensible. It's 
a good job then that we have substitutionists of his calibre to do their 
thinking for them.

Now, we have already seen that Mr D takes exception to anyone who cannot 
compress a PhD thesis into a sentence or two --, a skill he taunts the rest of 
us with, since, as the sentence above reveals, he can squeeze s

Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Test

2007-08-23 Thread Charles Brown

>>> "Charles Brown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 08/23/2007 11:41
AM >>>

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Test

2007-08-23 Thread Charles Brown

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Test - Please ignore

2007-08-21 Thread Waistline2
Test - Please ignore

Have every intention on completing a different approach to Marx and what he  
calls the metabolic process. Its not leally a different approach as much as a  
willing to discuss the  metabolic process. 
I am having difficulty in explaining the metabolic process to an audience  
that has never . . . . ever . . . talked about it. 
Plus, I am momentarily blackballed for being uncouth, vulgar and an  
intellectual hooligan . 

I will tell you this Jim, . . . comrade., I will never be a reporter on  
What we do is break new ground. 
And I ain't a bourgeois nationalist. 

** Get a sneak peek of the all-new AOL at
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[Marxism-Thaxis] Test - Please ignore

2007-08-21 Thread [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Test - Please ignore

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[Marxism-Thaxis] test

2007-01-12 Thread Charles Brown

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] (test) on USSR imploded/attention Ralph/reposted 1

2006-07-29 Thread Waistline2
(Here is what I thought was an interesting article from within Russia today  
by someone born under the Soviet regime). 
Melvin P. 
>From the Cultural Revolution of 1917 to the  Counter-Revolution of the  
Present Submitted by admin on Tue, 2006-03-14  18:53. ?? Ludmila   Bulavka 

>From the Cultural  Revolution of 1917 to the Counter-Revolution of  the 
Present Culture and  revolution. Revolution and culture. This theme has  been  
written about  and dissected so much in our country that it  would seem that a  
point of exhaustion has been reached. What more remains  for anyone to say? The 
overwhelming consensus is that its problematical  character has been perceived 
as little more than an ideological ritual. The fact  remains,  however, that 
new things can indeed be said, and that the  relationship  between these two 
forces contains the utmost  contemporary  significance, especially in our 
current climate of an  emerging bourgeois  counter-revolution in Russia. 
The country of my birth - the USSR -  is no longer in existence today,  and 
for anyone to look back at its  history and to highlight, not just the  obvious 
tragedies incurred by  the Soviet peoples, but also its  achievements and 
successes - and more  than that, to demonstrate pride in  those achievements - 
tantamount  for many to be little more than a sign  of disease. But what 
motivates my desire to go back to the past, and what  fortifies my courage, is 
recognition that what we are living through now is a  fundamental crisis  of 
culture of global proportions, which has not just  affected Russia  in the most 
squalid of ways, but which has also destroyed  a culture  which always united 
the most contradictory periods of Soviet  history.  It is my belief that the 
destruction of these former cultural  values  has evoked a tragic sensation in 
the  vast majority of  ordinary people,  whereby they feel nothing more than 
immigrants in their  own country.  To add to their belief that they have no 
real future ahead of  them, devoid  as they are of economic resources, they are 
also told that  they  have  no past. What is otherwise a very abstract belief 
in the  so-called 'End  of  History' is for us extremely tangible and real. 
The  Dialectical Road 
The dialectical relationship at work here can be  explained as   follows. In 
the 1920s and early 1930s history clearly existed firstand foremost as a 
transfonnative event; as a qualitative development of   society  which 
prioritised history as a category of time. By the  1970s  and the period of  
Brezhnevite stagnation, history had  effectively been  transformed into a kind 
hypostasis. It now served  first and  foremost as a social concept and as an 
of memory,  which now gave  priority to history as a category of space. During  
 these years, people  could not directly experience for themselves the   
humanitarian ideas of  social creativeness which lay at the heart of  the  
socialist ideal, but they could at least experience it indirectly as  an act of 
(staged)  memory. What exists today, however, has taken  everything one stage   
further. Not only is there no direct historical  creativity of the masses,  but 
there is also no longer any cultural  embodiment of historical  memory. In 
short,  the individual, as a  social subject, exists in a  situation where he 
can neither  create  history nor have a memory of it.  If this is one attribute 
of the  present  situation, there is also  another one which likewise deserves 
 recognition. If,  during the period  of stagnation, we could say that  
history bore no sense of time  (as a 
process of development) but did give scope for space (as a  cultural   
event), then in today's situation there exists the unique  position of  an  
existence which lies both outside the principles of  development as  well as  
culture; that is to say, an existence  both outside of  time and space.  
Moreover, having torn asunder the  umbilical cord  connecting the present with 
past, any conceptual  notion of the  future must also be affected. It is from 
this starting  point, then,  that one must understand this sensation of 
people being  immigrants not  just in their own country, but in the whole of 
The introduction of so-called 'democracy' and 'liberalism' in Russia has  
thus accomplished something that the Gulags of Stalin and the stagnation   of 
Brezhnev were both unable to accomplish - the destruction of hope  and  the 
creation of an overwhelming sense of meaninglessness. Mankind  as a  generic 
has been thrown overboard into the Sargasso sea of   postmodemity. In the 
domain of work, relations, and general life as a   whole, everything is 
towards one thing and one thing only - how  to  make the most amount of money 
(with the  emphasis on make rather  than  earn). It is here that we can locate 
the foundations of the  modem  crisis of culture, which 

[Marxism-Thaxis] Test

2004-02-09 Thread Jim Farmelant
Testing, please ignore

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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Test to see if restriction setting is OFF

2001-09-26 Thread Rob Schaap

... and back to normal service we are.


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[Marxism-Thaxis] Test to see if restriction setting is OFF

2001-09-26 Thread Rob Schaap

G'day Thaxlotls,

In case you've been wondering why some messages have been getting delayed
(and generating 'pending approval' messages), it's coz we've had a little
setting problem.  Just sending this to check that Hans's magic touch has
fixed things and that we are back to normal service.


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