[Marxism-Thaxis] voting-2

2000-11-08 Thread neil

Bill bartlett--

Political democracy is THE form/essence of  most of the big bourgeois
powers political
superstructures  today !
You admit the bosses use their economic power , ownership of  economy ,
to build up  govermental power to do their bidding. Great!  Then how on
earth  is 
punching these governments ballot papers going to be be allowed to 
seriously alter this 
ruling class power?

Bourgeois democracy is the most effective way(for now anyway)  to keep the
workers politically
confused and loyal  ideologically  and hence easler to manipulate  by
to defend the bourgeois terrain , weakening greatly  the workers class 
interests , actions,
hence  developing class  consciousness in  struggle, action itself.

Even in 'democracy" ( a sham) , the  big bosses rule thru their hold over
the state bureacracy,
 institutionally, and not just  thru parliament any more.  Bill.The
capitalists have stolen a huge march
on  you on this front.
Its time to begin to wake up!.

You still don't explain why the political state (US)  will hand out
red,whate and blue 
stickers to those who vote. I'ts because they are doing the  'duty' the
rulers and
their State power  want them to do.
Or do you think the State/government is really 'neutral" in all of this
class antagonism budding up
out of the wages system?


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[Marxism-Thaxis] voting

2000-11-08 Thread neil

Bill Bartlett---
So, according  to you the the E. Timorese have achieved real 
via their voting ! Really??  The E. Tomorese "independence' leaders have 
cut their own deals with Australian and US imperialism, Also Portuguese
has manuvered to get a   cut of the action, plundering  E. Timorese 
offshore oil
and other resources.  You may think putting a powder blue UN shield on the 
occupation troops is some sort of liberation but the E. Timorese masses
are being delivered out of the Indonesian rulers  frying pan and into the
and USA  bosses bourgeois fire .

Your own illusions in bourgeois democracy are  at root of your hosannas to
E. Timorese "independence" , a mirage in this epoch of world capitalist
Also  E. timor will still be partly  tied to the tender mercies of the
Indonesian bosses 
too. Only a small segment of E. Timorese bourgeois types  will benefit, and
this dependent on their
co-operation  in putting the kabosh on any  independent (real) Timorese 
workers organizations
of struggle.

Australia and the USA  and Portuguese  businesspeople are flocking into E.
timor to cut contracts
for  new businesses and trade,  to increase their capital, profits,   and
the UN troops are there to stabilize
things for capital .  Workers  fighting on their class terrain will be met
with the fixed bayonets or worse
from the UN (capitals) occupation troops.

E. Timor has seen one master (Indonesia ) in retreat onlty to be replaced
by new more powerful 
masters and exploiters united with  local nationalist "independence "
I'm sure the Australian bosses drilling Timorese oil will love your
apologetics, as well as the sprinklings of electoral holy water you have
politically sanctified this "independence"  with.

For workers own  organization and actions, not capitals electoral charades!


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[Marxism-Thaxis] voting

2000-11-07 Thread neil

Yes, Jim D., true sure "they" give you a little red -white and blue 
sticker for your so-called duty to vote.
But the "they" is a  courtesy of the capitalists political state machinery
for going along with 
and promoting the illusion that common folk  have some say-so over the
governments actions ,
 federal, state  city in the USA. This , is this modern  monopoly
capitalist epoch, is the most nausiating  deception and deadly lie.

Even as far as  social reforms are concerned, who can name any in our 
adult lifetimes that were won (and many were/are to be later stripped down)
via voting?. most anything of value to the working class has attained has
come thru building movements  of struggle and mass actions. Then  these
usually have to cope with the repressive and machiavellian style
campaigns/sabotoge  by the  bosses democratic state. The same one issuing
out these red white and blue lapel stickers for recognizing /respecting the
bosses rule as legitimate  over us by  voting in its  electoral circuses.



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