>From: "Craven, Jim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: [PEN-L:13345] FW: Gallup poll: Cubans support the revolution
>Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 14:37:28 -0800
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Louis Proyect [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 1:17 PM
>Subject: Gallup poll: Cubans support the revolution
>GALLUP POLL: Cubans Support the Revolution
>By Luis Martin
>Nov. 6, 1999
>An independent, scientific survey conducted in Cuba in 1994 revealed that a
>significant majority there believes the Revolution has yielded more
>successes than failures. The great majority of Cubans also blamed the U.S.
>economic sanctions -rather than the political system- for economic
>The interviews, conducted by Central American pollsters, canvassed 1,002
>Cubans over 75% of the national territory to represent over 70% of the
>islands population. The poll was designed by the Miami Herald and
>CID/Gallup, the Costa Rican affiliate of Gallup in Princeton, N.J. Needless
>to say, the Miami Herald and Cuban exiles did not like the results and no
>other poll of this kind has been conducted since.
>Asked what problems have been caused in Cuba by  U.S. economic sanctions,
>62% of those familiar with that law said it has created major problems for
>Cuba, 24% said the usual problems and the remainder gave no response.
>Followed responses also cited the U.S. blockade as the principal cause of
>the island's economic problems.
>Although the second largest majority chose food shortages to be Cuba's most
>serious problem, most said to be either completely or partly satisfied with
>their present consumption. An overwhelming number of respondents also
>indicated that they believe conditions will improve as a result of
>government reforms.
>The pollsters also concluded from their findings that Cubans are in the
>main are still willing to support their revolution. Fifty-eight percent
>said they believe that the achievements of the Revolution -mainly education
>and health care- far outweighed its failures.
>Responding to the question: "who would aid anyone who disagrees with the
>government", the great majority said "nobody" and the smallest minority
>chose "political dissidents".
>Among other significant findings:
>--A majority preferred economic and social equality over individual freedom
>and an equal number chose government management of agriculture and industry
>over private ownership.
>--The vast majority stated that racial discrimination is virtually
>non-existent in Cuba.
>--Eighty percent were found to disagree with President Clinton's
>termination of remittances from relatives in the U.S. and trips between the
>two countries.
>--A large majority chose Cuban television and radio as providing the most
>accurate news about Cuba and the world, over all foreign means of
>communication including friends and family.
>--Ninety-one percent were found to be home owners and 86% of them had fully
>paid their homes.
>--The overwhelming majority of Cubans considered Mexico as their best
>friend and the U.S. as their worst.
>Responding to criticism from likely sources in Miami, Carlos Denton,
>Director of  CID/Gallup in Costa Rica, said in his analysis of the survey:
>"We conducted the poll to our entire professional satisfaction. We were
>able to do it because the people could care less whether we were authorized
>or not, or what we asked."  Denton added: "they were not afraid".
>Louis Proyect
>(The Marxism mailing list: http://www.panix.com/~lnp3/marxism.html)

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