Re: [Marxism] ‘Africa Rising’? ‘Africa Reeling’ May Be More Fitting Now

2016-10-20 Thread Patrick Bond via Marxism

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[Marxism] ‘Africa Rising’? ‘Africa Reeling’ May Be More Fitting Now

2016-10-18 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Oct. 18 2016
‘Africa Rising’? ‘Africa Reeling’ May Be More Fitting Now

NAIROBI, Kenya — For decades Africa was eager for a new narrative, and 
in recent years it got a snappy one.

The Economist published a cover story titled “Africa Rising.” A Texas 
business school professor published a book called “Africa Rising.” And 
in 2011, The Wall Street Journal ran a series of articles about economic 
growth on the continent, and guess what that series was called?

“Africa Rising.”

The rise seemed obvious: You could simply stroll around Nairobi, Kenya’s 
capital, or many other African capitals, and behold new shopping malls, 
new hotels, new solar-powered streetlights, sometimes even new Domino’s 
pizzerias, all buoyed by what appeared to be high economic growth rates 
sweeping the continent.

For so long Africa had been associated with despair and doom, and now 
the quality of life for many Africans was improving. Hundreds of 
thousands of Rwandans were getting clean water for the first time. In 
Kenya, enrollment in public universities more than doubled from 2007 to 
2012. In many countries, life expectancy was increasing, infant 
mortality decreasing.

But in recent months, as turmoil has spread across the continent, and 
the red-hot economic growth has cooled, this optimistic narrative has 
taken a hit. Some analysts are now questioning how profound the growth 
actually was.

“Nothing has changed on the governance front, nothing has changed 
structurally,” said Grieve Chelwa, a Zambian economist who is a 
postdoctoral fellow at Harvard.

“Africa rising was really good for some crackpot dictators,” he added. 
“But in some ways, it was a myth.”

No place exposes the cracks in the “Africa rising” narrative better than 
Ethiopia, which had been one of the fastest risers.

Ethiopia is now in flames. Hundreds have been killed during protests 
that have convulsed the country.

The government, whose stranglehold on the country is so complete that 
not a single opposition politician sits in the 547-seat Parliament, 
recently took the drastic step of imposing a state of emergency.

Many of the Ethiopia’s new engines of growth — sugar factories, textile 
mills, foreign-owned flower farms — now lie in ashes, burned down in an 
antigovernment rage.

At the same time, a report by the McKinsey Global Institute, an arm of 
the consulting firm McKinsey & Company, just listed Ethiopia as the 
fastest growing economy on the continent from 2010 to 2015. The 
Democratic Republic of Congo, which is also rapidly sliding toward chaos 
— again, was second.

Political turmoil on the one hand, rosy economic prospects on the other. 
Can both be true?

“It comes down to how sustained the turmoil is,” said Acha Leke, a 
senior partner at McKinsey.

In Ethiopia’s case, the unrest appears to be just beginning. Videos show 
demonstrations of hundreds of thousands of Ethiopians chanting 
antigovernment slogans, giving a sense of the depth of discontent. The 
protesters hail from Ethiopia’s two largest ethnic groups, a population 
of more than 60 million, leading many analysts to predict that this is 
no passing fad.

The inauguration this month of a cross-border rail line from Addis 
Ababa, Ethiopia, to the nation of Djibouti. Credit Tiksa Negeri/Reuters
South Africa, the continent’s most developed nation, has been racked by 
waves of unrest. Troops with assault rifles stomp around college 
campuses, trying to quell student protests. The country’s currency, the 
rand, hovers near a record low.

South Sudan, which topped The Economist’s list in 2013 of the world’s 
fastest-growing economies, is now a killing field, the site of one of 
Africa’s worst civil wars.

Mr. Leke, one of the authors of the McKinsey report, says that political 
turbulence can drag down any economy, and that the growth of recent 
years has not been shared among the people nearly as widely as it could 
have been. According to a recent report by the African Development Bank, 
unemployment in sub-Saharan Africa remains close to 50 percent and is a 
“threat to social cohesion.”

As Mr. Leke said, “You can’t eat growth.”

Still, he says, there have been fundamental — and positive — changes on 
the continent, like increases in disposable income for many African 

Mr. Chelwa, the Zambian economist, has a different view. The 
fundamentals of African economies have not changed nearly as much as the 
“Africa rising” narrative implied, he said, with Africa still relying 
too heavily on the export of raw materials and not enough on industry.

“In Zambia, we import pencils,” he said.

He also points out t