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(Just received from Manuel Garcia Jr., a retired physicist, occasional contributor to Counterpunch, supporter of the Syrian revolution and a really good guy.)


I was tickled by some physics news today.


*Scientists crack 70-year-old mystery of how magnetic waves heat the sun:*

Alfvén's magnetic pumping (by hydromagnetic or Alfvén waves), and hydromagnetic shocks are now recognized by computational physical science (see article linked below).

In 1942, Swedish physicist and engineer Hannes Alfvén presented his theory of hydromagnetic waves, for which he won the Nobel Prize in physics in 1970. Between 1983 and 1985, I tried to convince my supposed colleagues and science-bureaucrat superiors (timorous bosses and climbers at Livermore, and also Los Alamos) to study this type of magnetic wave phenomenon, after I found ample evidence of it in very elaborate computer simulations of nuclear explosions (simulations of which was all they knew how to do) driving moderately relativistic magnetohydrodynamics (which they did not recognize nor understand at all). This was during the Reagan Administration's sponsorship of "Star Wars" weapons research projects.

 So, I enjoyed reading about the new advances in hydromagnetic wave physics made by the Queen’s University Belfast.

My cartoon physics monograph on the subject (to the extent I could understand it), from 1983-1985, is available at my blog under the title “*Proton Beam Driven Electron MHD*.” One of my favorite works ever.

*Scientists crack 70-year-old mystery of how magnetic waves heat the sun*
March 6, 2018, Queen's University Belfast

*Proton Beam Driven Electron MHD*
28 October 2017 (1983-1984)



Manuel Garcia, Jr.

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