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The most “successful” US Marxist formations seem to follow a common pattern: the establishment of “tight-knit politics” based on the affiliation to some particular legacy of Marxism-Leninism, rapid growth up to between 750 – 1200 members across the country, different wings develop, a political crisis ensues, then the formation either splits or collapses. This goes for so-called “Stalinist” formations, Maoist formations (whether Mao Zedong Thought or MLM) and Trotskyist formations. Every single one of these traditions has managed to produce nothing more than an ever dizzying array of micro-sects, each claiming the sole true legacy of the “pure” Marxist-Leninist tradition. In Socialist Alternative’s terms, this came across with the nauseating term “Winning Ideas” being bandied about with little reflection or self-awareness.

full: https://dirtroadrevolutionary.wordpress.com/2016/10/16/last-statement-to-socialist-alternative-leadership/
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