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Naomi Klein's challenge to the NYT bombshell on climate
Sat, 4 Aug 2018 19:04:24 -0700

Writing on behalf of the ruling class in the leading organ of its educated faction, Rich blames all of us for passing up the last opportunity to fix climate change. He thus reinforces the myth of a "human nature" on which capitalism justifies its existence.-mm

Anyway, read and respond to Rich at

nathan...@nathanielrich.com <mailto:nathan...@nathanielrich.com>

Klein writes in The Intercept:

And yet we blew it — “we” being humans, who apparently are just too shortsighted to safeguard our future. Just in case we missed the point of who and what is to blame for the fact that we are now “losing earth,” Rich’s answer is presented in a full-page call out: “All the facts were known, and nothing stood in our way. Nothing, that is, except ourselves.”

Yep, you and me. Not, according to Rich, the fossil fuel companies who sat in on every major policy meeting described in the piece. (Imagine tobacco executives being repeatedly invited by the U.S. government to come up with policies to ban smoking. When those meetings failed to yield anything substantive, would we conclude that the reason is that humans just want to die? Might we perhaps determine instead that the political system is corrupt and busted?)

This misreading has been pointed out <https://thinkprogress.org/scientists-slam-new-york-times-climate-story-for-whitewashing-role-of-big-oil-and-gop-63fbc3a85b09/> out by many climate scientists and historians since the online version of the piece dropped on Wednesday. Others have remarked on the maddening invocations of “human nature” and the use of the royal “we” to describe a screamingly homogenous group of U.S. power players. Throughout Rich’s accounting, we hear nothing from those political leaders in the Global South who were demanding binding action in this key period and after, somehow able to care about future generations despite being human. The voices of women, meanwhile, are almost as rare in Rich’s text as sightings of the endangered ivory-billed woodpecker — and when we ladies do appear, it is mainly as long-suffering wives of tragically heroic men."

Read it all at

https://theintercept.com/2018/08/03/climate-change-new-york-times-magazine/ <https://theintercept.com/2018/08/03/climate-change-new-york-times-magazine/>

Writing on behalf of the ruling class in the leading organ of its educated faction, Rich blames all of us for passing up the last opportunity to fix climate change. He thus reinforces the myth of a "human nature" on which capitalism justifies its existence.-mm

 Anyway, read and respond to Rich at

nathan...@nathanielrich.com <mailto:nathan...@nathanielrich.com>

Klein writes in /The Intercept:/

And yet we blew it — “we” being humans, who apparently are just too shortsighted to safeguard our future. Just in case we missed the point of who and what is to blame for the fact that we are now “losing earth,” Rich’s answer is presented in a full-page callout: “All the facts were known, and nothing stood in our way. Nothing, that is, except ourselves.”

Yep, you and me. Not, according to Rich, the fossil fuel companies who sat in on every major policy meeting described in the piece. (Imagine tobacco executives being repeatedly invited by the U.S. government to come up with policies to ban smoking. When those meetings failed to yield anything substantive, would we conclude that the reason is that humans just want to die? Might we perhaps determine instead that the political system is corrupt and busted?)

This misreading has beenpointed out <https://thinkprogress.org/scientists-slam-new-york-times-climate-story-for-whitewashing-role-of-big-oil-and-gop-63fbc3a85b09/>by many climate scientists and historians since the online version of the piece dropped on Wednesday. Others have remarked on the maddening invocations of “human nature” and the use of the royal “we” to describe a screamingly homogenous group of U.S. power players. Throughout Rich’s accounting, we hear nothing from those political leaders in the Global South who were demanding binding action in this key period and after, somehow able to care about future generations despite being human. The voices of women, meanwhile, are almost as rare in Rich’s text as sightings of the endangered ivory-billed woodpecker — and when we ladies do appear, it is mainly as long-suffering wives of tragically heroic men."

Read it all at

https://theintercept.com/2018/08/03/climate-change-new-york-times-magazine/ <https://theintercept.com/2018/08/03/climate-change-new-york-times-magazine/>

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