[Marxism] Urgent Call, re: Honduras by Via Campesina

2009-07-30 Thread Michael Friedman

Today July 30 since the early hours of the morning the combined forces
of the Police and the Army have been carrying to most violent
repression to date against unarmed protestors. There are many injured
people, some very severely, and other being pursued at this moment.

The soldiers have orders to repress journalists and other civilians in
the areas of conflict.

The state of barbarism continues, especially in the El Durazno part of
the highway leaving Tegucigalpa toward the border with Nicaragua.

We need to activate urgent actions and denounce what is going on the
Human Rights agencies, as peaceful protestors are being violently
beaten at this very moment in various parts of Honduras.

They are launching tear gas from helicopters and aircraft, and
shooting rubber ad wooden bullets at the people.

Please send protest messages to the dictator: Roberto Micheletti:
with cc to the OAS to see if it's possible to give a bad conscience to
José Miguel Insulza: mailto:oas...@oas.orgoas...@oas.org

Please, we must stop these actos of military violence against the
people, to avoid more tragic outcomes as the military attacks the
civilian population.

Fausto Torrez
ATC-Via Campesina Nicaragua

live coverage of the violence on http://www.cholusatsur.com/

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Re: [Marxism] Urgent Call, re: Honduras by Via Campesina

2009-07-30 Thread Greg McDonald

Radio Globo reports 2 seriously wounded and one dead thus far.
Reporters on the scene were also beaten and had their equipment

99 people are being detained as a result of the repression and many
have been beaten in jail, according to a human rights rep. calling in
to the station. This includes several leaders of the resistance, such
as Juan Barahona as well as student leaders and minors. Denunciations
should include requests for their safe release. Carlos Reyes was
severely beaten and is now in hospital.

One teacher, Roger Soriano Vallejojo, 34 years ago, was seriously
wounded with a bullet to the head.
See photo here:


Radio Progreso y Radio Globo: Hay dos personas heridas y una persona
muerta como resultado de la represión a la que fueron sometidos
manifestantes del Durazno, estaba vez fue desde el helicóptero que les
lanzaron gas lacrímogeno, balas de gomas, de madera. La gente fue
perseguida por la policía y los militares. También los periodistas
nacionales e internacionales fueron reprimidos, los golpearon y les
destruyeron su equipo.

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