Our country, indeed the entire world, is in the throes of epochal revolution.  
Transformation from electro-mechanical industry requiring vast amount of human 
labor to operate gigantic industrial means of production to digitally 
controlled production requiring little to no human labor is the determining 
content of our time. 
Electronic means of production are qualitatively different from industrial 
means of production and greatly lowers the cost of production of the 
necessities of life. These new means of production makes it possible to produce 
a world of abundance to meet humanity socially necessary life needs. Under 
capitalism qualitatively new means of production leads to a falling price of 
labor power, increased exploitation and entrenched poverty for every greater 
sections of the working class. 
Just as the steam engine created an industrial working class that replaced the 
existing manufacturing class, electronic production is creating a new class of 
workers. The determining content of this time - the transition from agriculture 
to industry, was the growth and development of industrial means of production 
and the struggle of the new classes - bourgeoisie and proletariat, to shape 
society in its class interest.  
The industrial revolution created a new social organization of labor, 
displacing the old social organization of labor based on the spinning wheel and 
manufacture. The new class(es) consists of all layers and member of social 
brought into the sphere of new means of production expressing a new social 
organization of labor. There is an employed and unemployed sector. The employed 
sector -  the part time, the contingency and "throw away" workers, the below 
minimum wage workers is already over a third of the work force. This employed 
sector of the class is constantly driven into the growing ranks of the 
unemployed sector that ranges from the structurally unemployed to the 
absolutely destitute, homeless workers. 
The concept and reality of a new class is misunderstood by many. Engels in his 
Principles of Communism describes the formation of a new class and in all 
cases, the new class is bound up with new means of production that change the 
social organization of labor. 
The divergence in approach and outlook concerning class has to do with defining 
the aggregates of people called class. If class is defined as a property 
relations devoid of its inner logic tied to material means of production one 
cannot explain the genesis of the industrial classes as they displace 
manufacturing classes. 
Lenin defines classes beginning with what he calls "a historically determined 
system of social production." I call this "historically determined system of 
social production" the social organization of labor because what determines and 
defines a system of social production is its productive forces and not just the 
property relations. 
Let's assume this approach is wrong. Why it is wrong is the question rather 
than name calling. According to Marx and Engels the modern proletariat begins 
emergence in the 15 and 16 century but the industrial form of the working class 
comes into existence after the steam engine with the technology regime 
underlying the steam engine changing the social organization of labor. The 
proletariat remains because the word proletariat refers to property status - 
non owners forced too sell their labor ability (power). 

Lenin on class 
"Classes are large groups of people differing from each other by the place they 
occupy in a historically determined system of social production, by their 
relation (in most cases fixed and formulated in law) to the means of 
production, by their role in the social organization of labor, and, 
consequently, by the dimensions of the share of social wealth of which they 
dispose and the mode of acquiring it. Classes are groups of people one of which 
can appropriate the labor of another owing to the different places they occupy 
in a definite system of social economy." -Lenin, LCW 29:421 

A question to be asked is how could a generation of Marxist not understand the 
first sentence in Lenin’s definition of class? 
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