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>Date: October 25, 2011 11:34:09 PM EDT
>To: LaborAgainstWar <>
>Subject: [NYCLAW] NYC Labor Against the War: 10.25 OWS Report: Show Down
>NYC Labor Against the War
>10.25 Occupy Wall Street Report: 
>Show Down
>"While the Occupy actions have become national symbols of resistance, the 
>movement has also served to underline the problem of America’s massive 
police state, which is used to suppress freedom of expression and 
assembly rather than as an instrument to safeguard those liberties."
>Police State Targets Occupy Movements | The Nation 
>CWA and Occupy Wall Street storm Lower Manhattan protesting Verizon's 
>Corporate Greed 
>October 21, 2011. Thousands of CWA and OWS protesters rally at Verizon 
>Wireless store. 20 Verizon workers sleep at Liberty Plaza/Zucotti Park in 
>solidarity with the 99%.
>Protest derails DOE meeting on curriculum after just minutes | GothamSchools 
>“We want our teachers to be paid more,” yelled a 7-year-old, Anais Richard, 
>who attends P.S. 11 in Brooklyn. “If these things are not done, then we won’t 
>be able to be succeeded.” The people’s mic repeated her statement, complete 
>with the misspoken final word.
>Education Panel Meeting Disrupted By "Occupy" Protesters
>The chancellor moved the official meeting to the third floor, split between 
>three different classrooms. The
 protestors continued to hold their own meeting in the auditorium for 
almost two hours, and discussed their opposition to mayoral control of 
schools and education budget cuts. Many of the several hundred 
protesters were public school teachers. Some of them have been involved 
and are even organizers of the Occupy Wall Street movement. Other participants 
said they were just been inspired by the ongoing protest. Some
 of the demonstrators are planning another event in early November at 
DOE headquarters in Downtown Manhattan, called "Occupy The DOE." 
>New York D.A. declines to drop charges against protesters 
>Prosecutors instead offered those arrested an adjournment for six months; if 
>the individual is not arrested during that time, the case will be dismissed 
>and sealed.
>Many "Occupy" Protesters Won't Take Plea Deal, Lawyer Says 
>Protestors have threatened to take their cases to trial in an effort to clog 
>up the court system.
>The fight for OWS continues 
>We’re calling on Mayor Bloomberg to pledge his support for the First Amendment 
>rights of the protesters, and allow them to stay as long as they have a voice 
>to be heard.
>Police State Targets Occupy Movements | The Nation 
>While the Occupy actions have become national symbols of resistance, the 
>movement has also served to underline the problem of America’s massive police 
>state, which is used to suppress freedom of expression and assembly rather 
>than as an instrument to safeguard those liberties.
>ALBANY: Unmoved Albany protesters add Cuomo to their list of concerns 
>A day after it was revealed that Cuomo tried -- unsuccessfully -- to get 
>Albany officials to use police to remove protesters from the park after an 11 
>p. m. curfew, demonstrators wasted little time in adding the governor to their 
>lineup of concerns.
>BOSTON: Occupy the Hood comes to Boston 
>‎"I didn't know anything about Occupy Boston before tonight. I heard a lot of 
>chanting in the neighborhood and decided to come out to see what was going on. 
>I think this is a wake-up call for everybody to stand up for equality with 
>peace and justice for all people from all walks of life. Our common enemy is 
>CHICAGO: Director of National Nurses United Union Responds to Occupy Chicago 
>"Rahm Emanuel apparently believes that First Amendment rights end at 11pm in 
>the city of Chicago. We think that Constitutional rights extend 24/7 and that 
>people should have the right to protest and to raise their voices and to 
>reflect the anger and suffering that are out there across the country."
>DETROIT: Main Street Report: Occupy The Hood/Detroit 
>Co-Founder of Occupy the Hood speaks at Occupy Detroit and encourages All 
>Power to the People!
>OAKLAND: Oakland Cops Open Fire With Shotgun Beanbags & Tear Gas On Peaceful 
>October 25, 2011 CURRENT TV Keith Olbermann
>OAKLAND: Police Brutalize, Dismantle Occupy Oakland Camp - Occupy Oakland 
>This morning at 5am over 500 police in riot gear from cities all over central 
>California brutally attacked the Occupy Oakland encampment at 14th & Broadway. 
>The police attacked the peaceful protest with flash grenades, tear gas, and 
>rubber bullets after moving in with armored vehicles.
>OAKLAND: Alameda Labor Council Decries Eviction of Occupy Oakland Demonstrators
>This outrageous act to silence the voices of the protesters puts Mayor Quan 
>and the City Council on the wrong side of history.
>PITTSBURGH: Action Alert: Call for Solidarity | Occupy Pittsburgh 
>Occupy Pittsburgh has received word that police may be planning an action at 
>the Occupy Pittsburgh camp at BNY Mellon Green in the next two days.
>To the Occupy movement -- the occupiers of Tahrir Square are with you 
 from Cairo: In many ways we in Egypt are part of the same struggle, and
 we are watching in solidarity. Keep going, don't stop, occupy more.
>The radical power of just showing up 
>The Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street movements show that simply standing 
>together can achieve real results.
>The 1% Demands: Occupy Palestine, Free Wall Street 
 Arab Spring, where it sprung up, sought to throw off the yoke of 
dictatorship within a single country; Occupy Wall Street seeks to 
disentangle the American dream from a diffuse and all-pervasive system 
of economic, corporate, and ideological oppression; the Palestinian 
people seek to liberate themselves from a foreign occupier of their 
soil. What unites these diverse movements is the struggle for collective
>Support the Workers’ Movement in Egypt
revolutionary movement in Egypt and its struggle is decisive because 
unlike many other movements around the world, the working class and its 
struggle methods are an integral part of this movement. Therefore, all 
labour and progressive organizations, labour leaders and activists and 
people seeking a better future for humanity should stand behind the 
revolutionary movement and the working class in Egypt.
>Radical political economics for today's student: How Can the Occupy Movement 
>Win? -- Draw in Workers
 have alluded to Egypt saying that a growing occupation with one basic 
demand is how the dictator was overthrown. But in fact, the situation 
was more complicated than that. In the week before Egypt's dictator 
Mubarak was ousted, the working class entered the scene with decisive 
strike action paralyzing key parts of the economy.
>Egyptians for Wall street Demos-6th of April movement 
 for Wall streets Chanting "People Demand The Fall of The Regime", 
"People demand The Fall of Wall street" 6th of April movement leaders 
Asmaa Mahfouz, Ahmed Maher and Israa Abd el Fatah leading and supporting
 the American people in their Wall-street demonstrations in the United 
>Amy Goodman: Globalizing Dissent, From Tahrir Square to Liberty Plaza - 
 they giving money and power and support to Mubarak regime, our people, 
Egyptian people, can success against all of this, against the U.S. 
power. So, the power to the people, not for the U.S. bullets or bombs or
 money or anything. The power to the people. So that I am here to be in 
solidarity and support the Wall Street Occupy protesters, to say them 
‘the power to the people,’ and to keep it on and on, and they will 
success in the end.”
>At OccupyDC, Egypt’s revolutionaries chide U.S. 
 hope they would support the people, not the government. But U.S. policy
 supports the military now, the same way it was supporting Mubarak.”
>BOLIVIA: Native Protesters Celebrate Law Cancelling Rainforest Road
>"The threat is latent, but the message sent out is that the native peoples 
>have thought deeply about the defence of our territories."
>CHILE: Chile student protesters invade senate 
>DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Amnesty International accuses Dominican Republic police of 
>killings, torture 
>Police in the Dominican Republic have been responsible for an alarming number 
>of killings and torture over a five-year period, Amnesty International said in 
>a report released Tuesday.
>PALESTINE: Deported Palestinians describe prison ordeal 
>I challenge Israelis to treat us as equals. To give us the same social and 
>political benefits they give Jews. To give me, someone who belongs to this 
>land, the same treatment they give someone from Russia or from somewhere else 
>with absolutely no connection to this land. Treat me as an equal, give me what 
>you give yourselves, and I'll be more than happy to coexist and stop fighting. 
>Give me the right to elect and be elected, and we'll all give up arms. I 
>challenge them.
>SYRIA: Wounded Syrians Abused at Hospitals, Amnesty International Says 
>The report portrays a situation that appears to build on the grim playbook 
>employed in Bahrain, where medical workers faced intimidation and prosecution 
>for treating those injured during antigovernment demonstrations this spring.
>U.K.: Occupy movement continues to grow across Britain
>The unions have supported the camp. The Unite union has donated blankets and 
>bedding, and Len McCluskey, its general secretary, visited last week. And on 
>Wednesday a delegation of the electricians fighting pay cuts came to speak.
>YEMEN: Yemeni security forces shoot at protesters demanding president’s 
>ouster, killing 2 
>Yemeni troops loyal to embattled President Ali Abdullah Saleh opened fire 
>Tuesday at thousands of protesters calling for his ouster in the capital 
>Sanaa, killing two, a medical official said.
>4 Polls That Show Occupy Wall Street is Just Getting Started | News & Politics 
>If this thing continues to grow -- and there is every indication that it will 
>-- the Occupy Wall Street could become the definitive movement for an entire 
>Occupy Verizon, Occupy the Labor Movement | The Nation 
>“We have radicals pulling unions into a more radical fight than they’re 
>ordinarily involved in,” says OWS activist Sam Connet, “and at the same time, 
>giving all these activists and young people…a chance to get involved in real 
>concrete day-to-day struggle over a fair contract…to know, who are the workers 
>we are talking about when we talk about Wall Street and the financial system 
>treating workers unfairly?”
>Deepening OWS ties to labor 
>PROTESTS AGAINST union-busting and police brutality in New York City last week 
>-- while smaller than the biggest mobilizations recently -- show that the 
>Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement is continuing to grow and relate to the 
>struggles of working-class New Yorkers.
>Occupy Wall Street's Race Problem 
>Comparing debt to slavery, believing police won't hurt you, or wanting to take 
>back the America you see as rightfully yours are things that suggest OWS is 
>actually appealing to an imagined white (re)public. Rather than trying to 
>figure out how to diversify the Occupy Wall Street movement, white 
>progressives need to think long and hard about their use of frameworks and 
>rhetoric that situate blacks at the margins of the movement.
>The Politics of Occupation 
>Democracy, particularly in a diverse community or society, should not 
>necessarily be about achieving unity on all issues. There must be room for 
>disagreement and multiple perspectives. What is important is that all concerns 
>and interests have an equal opportunity to be heard and evaluated. One issue 
>that Occupy Portland is currently facing in its decision-making practice is 
>the lack of time available to individuals to voice their ideas. This is 
>inherent in the use of the "People's Mic" technique, which nicely addresses 
>the lack of amplification and creates a certain experience of unity through 
>its mechanism, yet privileges those who are more comfortable speaking in front 
>of crowds, as well as those with louder or more assertive voices.
>Top candidates happy to take Wall Street's money 
>While President Obama and some Republican candidates struggle with how to 
>embrace the pain and anger fueling the Occupy Wall Street movement - while not 
>endorsing the politically polarizing street protests - the Oval Office seekers 
>have not been shy about accepting money from the financial world.
>The US departure from Iraq is an illusion 
>Whatever shape the relationship between the US and Iraq takes in the long 
>term, for the short term the US is definitely remaining in the country.
>Iraq war: Mission failed 
>If any good comes of the Iraq war, it will come in the form of an Iraq 
>syndrome, like the Vietnam syndrome that made Americans wary of large-scale 
>military intervention abroad from the fall of Saigon in 1975 until the Gulf 
>War of 1990-91. The mantra then was “No more Vietnams.” That needs to be 
>updated: “No more Iraqs.”
>Fri., 10.27: Labor Outreach Committee Meeting
>6:00 p.m., DC 37, 125 Barclay Street, Rm. 11.
> Sat., 10.28: Existence is Resistance Kuffeya Day at Occupy Wall Street 
solidarity with the people of Palestine, we are asking that on Oct. 28th
 everyone come to Liberty Plaza wearing their Kuffeya. EIR will be on 
site silk screening shirts for a $2 donation.
>Sat., 10.28: Occupy Harlem Mobilization: `We stand in solidarity with 
>Occupiers of Wall Street'
>A call to Blacks, Latinos, and immigrants to occupy their communities 
against predatory investors, displacement, privatization and state 
repression. Let us assert our Dignity! WE MUST DEFEND OUR COMMUNITIES! 
>OccupyStream - All Occupy Wall Street Streams and IRC - Live Revolution 
>Occupy Together
to OCCUPY TOGETHER, an unofficial hub for all of the events springing up across 
the country in solidarity with Occupy Wall St.
>We Are the 99 Percent
>Brought to you by the people who occupy wall street. Why will YOU occupy?
>Reports of Occupy everywhere
CIRCULATE WIDELY: If you are arrested at an Occupy Event, call the National 
Lawyers Guild: New York City: (212) 679-6018 Los Angeles: (323)
696-2299 Washington, DC: (202) 957 2445 Chicago: (773) 309-1198 San Francisco: 
(415) 285-1011 New Orleans: (504) 875-0019 Baltimore: (410) 205-2850 Minnesota: 
(612) 656-9108 Michigan: (313) 963-0843 Portland: (503) 902-5340 Boston: (617) 
227-7335 Pennsylvania & Delaware: (267)
702-4654 Idaho: (208) 991-4324 Be very sure to write the applicable phone 
number in PERMANENT marker 
somewhere concealed on your body, protected from the elements. Do NOT 
assume you will be able to retrieve the number from a phone or a 
notebook. It is very likely you will be stripped of all your belongings.
>What To Do If You're Arrested at an Occupy Protest - Disorderly Conduct Laws 
>The resistance continues at Liberty Square and Nationwide!
>Donate Money to #occupywallstreet
>NYC General Assembly
>The Official Website of the GA at #OccupyWallStreet
>People of Color / #OccupyWallStreet
>Created in response to the lack of racial diversity at #OccupyWallStreet
with the purpose of developing critical consciousness within the 
movement and extending its reach to include those most affected by the 
current crisis. It is open to all who identify as people of color. 
>Occupy Wall St.: Immediate Needs
Committee's Current NEEDS: thermal wear (especially smaller sizes), 
blankets, toiletries (especially toothpaste), hats & gloves, towels 
for showers We do NOT need more ponchos or space blankets. All donations
can be sent to: The UPS Store Re: Occupy Wall Street 118A Fulton St. 
#205 New York, NY 10038
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