Re: [marxmail] The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left

2024-11-07 Thread Mark Baugher

> On Nov 7, 2024, at 3:35 AM, hari kumar via 
>  wrote:
> Maybe I am getting it wrong - but your note is phrased as though I support 
> China now.

I didn't mean that.

thanks, Mark

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Re: [marxmail] The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left

2024-11-06 Thread Mark Baugher

> On Nov 6, 2024, at 1:18 AM, hari kumar via 
>  wrote:
>   However I also think it is worth remarking that there is one major omission 
> (maybe that is the wrong word - see below). It seems to me, there is a very 
> clear refusal to acknowledge that Lenin very clearly - and in whatever 
> relevant writing is examined - that the task in the semi-colonial and 
> colonial worlds, is to move from the bourgeois democratic stage "without a 
> Chinese Wall" and "uninterruptedly" - to the "revolutionary stage". I think 
> there is a blurring of that line. 

I don't know, Hari.
 notes Lenin's use of "uninterrupted revolution" in his address to the 2nd 
Congress, but JBF didn't say where the concept originated, which brings us to 
the 6th Congress.

>   Since JBF notes the role of M.N.Roy in the formulation of the 2nd Congress 
> CI theses, I believe there is a fundamental reason for this. JBF calls the 
> 6th Congress and the “Theses on the Revolutionary Movement in the Colonies 
> and Semi-Colonies” in the Comintern’s Sixth Congress, in 1928, represented a 
> high point". But by then I think the 'blurring of the line' had been firmly 
> incorporated. 

The Theses dictates policies to the national parties as if they were units of a 
military division taking orders from central command.  Centralized control by 
the Comintern emerged at the 6th Congress.  Soon afterwards, Moscow expelled 
most of the leadership of the CPUSA, installed WZ Foster as party chairman, and 
established the norm that Moscow determines who runs the national parties and 
how.  Decades later, when the clique running the soviet government made the 
decision to restore capitalism, there were no organized masses to fight it.  
The gains of the Russian Revolution dried up like the mismanaged Aral Sea.   

What about China? One might believe that China is not a capitalist country, 
maybe it's "transitional" or a hybrid market/planned economy. If the transition 
to capitalism has not yet happened, who will oppose it when it does?  I don't 
believe that the gains of any revolution can be preserved if it is entirely 
dependent on the good intentions of a group of party elites with absolute 
power. If the family of China's president is already worth in excess of US$1B 
today, what's to stop the privatization of state-owned sectors tomorrow?  Who 
would fight against the restoration of capitalism in China by privatizing land 
or transferring state assets to private ownership as happened in Russia?

I think this lack of democracy enables environmental destruction.  We have 
theories for why capitalism destroys the environment such as by using "cheap 
nature" for inputs and a place to deposit pollutants that are produced along 
with the commodities.  Why does environmental destruction happen in a country 
that's not run by capitalists?  Maybe the first problem is that it is dangerous 
to speak out against environmental destruction in places where capitalists 
don't own critical enterprises or run the country. 

As an example,
 completely dodges the problems of environmental destruction in China.  This 
paper is the work of an assistant professor in the School of Marxism, Tsinghua 
University in Beijing, People’s Republic of China.  In the MR article, the 
professor asserts the prevailing belief that "the logic of capital is the root 
cause of the ecological crisis" but not the logic of the Chinese system that 
causes it to recklessly destroy the environment.  The author does not consider 
their own country as a source of pollution and greenhouse gases. I consider 
that article an example of the chilling effects of a system that does not allow 
free speech even on scientific and engineering matters, or free assembly, or 
independent organization.

I see this as part of the legacy of the 6th Congress of the Communist 


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Re: [marxmail] The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left

2024-11-06 Thread sartesian
On Wed, Nov 6, 2024 at 04:18 AM, hari kumar wrote:

> However I also think it is worth remarking that there is one major omission
> ( maybe that is the wrong word - see below). It seems to me, there is a
> very clear refusal to acknowledge that Lenin very clearly - and in
> whatever relevant writing is examined - that the task in the semi-colonial
> and colonial worlds, is to move from the bourgeois democratic stage
> "without a Chinese Wall" and "uninterruptedly" - to the "revolutionary
> stage".

Critical point and I wish Lenin were as *un* ambiguous as Hari is and thinks 
Lenin was. Unfortunately, I find ambiguity in Lenin's remarks that lends 
support to the criticism that Lenin's identification of national liberation 
with a "bourgeois-democratic" phase is the (re)iteration  of stage-ist  theory 
and the ignoring of the significance of uneven and combined development to 
colonialism.  It reminds me a bit of Lenin's "democratic-dictatorship of the 
proletariat and the  peasantry"--a "hedge" on the bet so to speak.

Rereading the JBF essay after Hari's essential analysis-- it seems to me that  
one of JBF's goals is preservation   of that ambiguity and a hedge against the 
bet on transformation of "national liberation" into proletarian revolution.

Thanks to Hari.

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Re: [marxmail] The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left

2024-11-06 Thread hari kumar
A bit late on this theme, however may I simply blame Diwali and family 
birthdays in a tight cluster - well I will if allowed or not!
Likely also it is a theme that for the moment will get drowned in post-election 
discussions - so I'll put down something. However, FWIW - very little to anyone 
else I imagine - I think that J.B.F's - very well written and concise - piece - 
needs much more careful review. It is a key piece.

The various insights thus far that several commentators here have made are 
certainly helpful, to me at any rate. One of these that I am thinking more 
about for eg is that Sartesian's remark reminding us of the historical critique 
of Lenin's position, as per Rosa Luxemburg ( sartesian@... ( ) · #33327 ). Like Sartesian and 
Mark B, I have not read all - certainly not Arghiri Emmanuel. But many of the 
others I have. Including a lot of Mao, M.N.Roy, Mariategui,  and Stalin. This 
is just a rather long way of saying I need to do a fair bit more before I am 
confident I can tease out all of the strands in the piece. But it is surely a 
key article - it will take more digestion at least for me.

However I also think it is worth remarking that there is one major omission ( 
maybe that is the wrong word - see below). It seems to me, there is a very 
clear refusal to acknowledge that Lenin very clearly - and in whatever relevant 
writing is examined - that the task in the semi-colonial and colonial worlds, 
is to move from the bourgeois democratic stage "without a Chinese Wall" and 
"uninterruptedly" - to the "revolutionary stage". I think there is a blurring 
of that line.

Since JBF notes the role of M.N.Roy in the formulation of the 2nd Congress CI 
theses, I believe there is a fundamental reason for this. JBF calls the 6th 
Congress and the “Theses on the Revolutionary Movement in the Colonies and 
Semi-Colonies” in the Comintern’s Sixth Congress, in 1928, represented a high 
point". But by then I think the 'blurring of the line' had been firmly 

I cannot in truth, view Foster's refusal to highlight this as an omission 
really. I fear it has more of the character of an evasion and a gloss. Because 
this is the fundamental core of Mao's writings and actions - namely to gloss 
over that distinction. And directly following him were the Cubans, and 
surprisingly un-remarked thus far in this strand, the Venezuelans. And David W 
- it is exactly also what Khalid Bhakdash did (I know I owe you a detailed 
explanation - but I have to find the damn thing. I reviewed him a long time ago 
and I regret that I do not think I put it up in a retrievable manner). Even if 
none of the later ones (Castro Che, Chavez) may have directly cited Mao - they 
followed his path. Some of them even wending their way from the 'countryside to 
the city' into a theory of the 'guerilla elite' that to me - comes straight out 
of Mao.

In an earlier recent piece at, I had noted JBF's utmost praise of 
Chavez rolling over to defence of Maduro. This current key piece of JBF is a 
very much more accessible piece. It is one explicitly designed to defend and 
uplift those such as Vijay Prasad and their objective (also actually - openly 
subjective) support of today's China - in the new terrain of conflict between 
USA and allies vs China and Russia. That can hardly be glossed over. I really 
believe these two links [(i) - the 'over-looking' of Lenin's 'Chinese Wall' 
(ii) the lining up with today's China)]; have been neglected on the list. 
Possibly because of the relative length of J.B.Foster's piece but more likely 
its eloquence.

I think in fact the complete logic of the key piece is designed to 
unequivocally support the pro-China lobby on the left. FWIW - Thus far I think 
that only Walter Daum Nov 3   #33295); and Charlie ( Charlie Nov 2   #33288 ) 
have put their finger on this, in their abbreviated notes to the list. And in 
addition, a few have previously noted the money machine behind Vijay Prasad. 
Including if I recall right Michael Pugliesi and Charlie (Eg: " Singham's money 
buys expensive NY Times ad for People's Forum": Charlie Oct 22   #33104).

So Mark B - you responded to Marv G (See 'Re: The New Denial of Imperialism on 
the Left' Mark Baugher Nov 3   #33302). Marv had written that: "Chinese and 
Russian "imperialism" and various "sub-imperialisms" criticized in the Monthly 
Review article are shared by the great majority of active contributors on the 
list, including, I believe, all of the moderators."  Mark - you replied: "Is 
that what the article was about?"

Mark: My feeling is that yes - that is exactly what the article was about.  I 
do not know whether the entire body of moderators believes that or not - but it 
is a 'thing' and a repetitive discussion on the list - no?  So Marv: I think 
you are right - it is a recurrent theme here. But I am astonished that you 
Marv, should then go on to say in a later note (cannot be both

Re: [marxmail] The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left

2024-11-05 Thread Mark Baugher

> On Nov 4, 2024, at 7:53 PM, Marv Gandall via 
>  wrote:
> What you're picking up from me is that I believe the central issue which 
> Bellamy Foster is addressing has been debated many many times on the list.

I think JBF and MR contributors have analyzed these issues in other venues, and 
one could expect that here, but the article doesn't do that 
  There's no analysis of the Ukraine invasion by Russia in the context of 
imperialism.  In those works, Lenin's writings on the role of 
self-determination and proletarian unity, including between the Ukrainian and 
Great Russian workers remained unexplored as Lenin's and the Comintern writings 
are forced into a narrow context.  

I haven't identified the "humanitarian imperialists" that JBF mentions in his 
rogues gallery, and maybe that would be the people who support Ukraine in the 
Russian invasion.  The assertion that Ukraine is only a proxy war is assumed, 
not explained.  The class nature of China is assumed not analyzed. Also assumed 
in the first paragraph of the article is that there exist "Eurocentric sections 
of Western Marxism." "Eurocentrism" was not defined but hurled, which tips off 
the reader in the first sentences that the article is more about heat than 
light.  While the literature on Eurocentrism is surely something well 
understood by the MR cognoscenti (like sartesian, I read few of the writers 
mentioned), so the uninitiated must try to bridge the gap between what Samir 
Amin and others wrote on the topic and the assumptions JBF's makes about those 
he critiques.

The writers chosen for JBF's critique serve as foils for an otherwise very good 
review of Lenin's works on Imperialism, colonial revolution, and self 
determination - from a certain perspective.  The references alone make the 
paper worthwhile as does the quality of scholarship.  I thought the paper was a 
very interesting ride to nowhere.


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Re: [marxmail] The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left

2024-11-05 Thread Avram Rips
China is not a capitalist system?  Expropriates capital through out the
world has a class system with billionaires anti independent unions and

On Monday, November 4, 2024, Marv Gandall via  wrote:

> [Edited Message Follows]
> [Reason: Corrected to clarify that Bolivarian Venezuela never expropriated
> its capitalist class. China and Cuba did, and each has not yet restored a
> capitalist system. None of the three regimes are partial to capitalism. ]
> What you're picking up from me is that I believe the central issue which
> Bellamy Foster is addressing has been debated many many times on the list.
> It's the split on the Marxist left concerning the terms "imperialist" and
> "sub-imperialist" or whether, as Arrighi, H & N, Harvey, Robinson, and
> others contend, the concept has outlived its usefulness in a world
> dominated by multinationals. Of course this theoretical question has
> crucial political implications.
> The reason I anticipated it would not be favourably received is because
> most here subscribe to the inter-imperialist thesis, with some preoccupied
> to the point of obsession with so-called Chinese and Russian "imperialism"
> than with US imperialism. That is not JBF's position nor Michael Roberts'
> nor mine, as my intro to the essay made clear.  I think Bellamy Foster is
> less critical of the regimes in his stout and necessary defence of
> Venezuela, Cuba, and China than I and probably Roberts would be, but that
> is a secondary matter since none of us, unlike on the list, would describe
> any of them as partial to "capitalism".
> But, as I said, we've endlessly debated this issue and I for one am
> somewhat tired of it and would live with our differences. If we were poised
> to take power, these theoretical and strategic questions would warrant the
> heat expended on them, but we're a far way removed from that.

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Re: [marxmail] The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left

2024-11-05 Thread sartesian
Yes, I've read it, although I have not read many of the people he criticizes in 
his essay.   It seems to me that it's quite possible to disagree with Lenin's 
theory without denying a) the existence of imperialism b) the fundamental fact 
that advance of class struggle in the so-called advanced capitalist countries 
requires  rejection of  and  opposition to the imperialist extensions, 
pretensions, mechanisms so integral to the capitalist mode of production.   
Rosa Luxemburg  is one example of  (a) and (b).

Clearly one country can exploit, oppress another nation or nationality--Britain 
and the Irish struggle comes to mind, and I have no problem answer items 4-12, 
if anyone is interested.

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Re: [marxmail] The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left

2024-11-04 Thread Mark Baugher

> On Nov 4, 2024, at 5:57 PM, sartesian via 
>  wrote:
> Challenging MG to provide some evidence for his claim that the "list" would 
> not welcome JFB's essay is proof that the "list" does not welcome JFB's 
> essay. 

Have you read
  I'm interested in hearing your take on it S.Artesian.


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Re: [marxmail] The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left

2024-11-04 Thread Marv Gandall
[Edited Message Follows]
[Reason: Corrected to clarify that Bolivarian Venezuela never expropriated its 
capitalist class. China and Cuba did, and each has not yet restored a 
capitalist system. None of the three regimes are partial to capitalism. ]

What you're picking up from me is that I believe the central issue which 
Bellamy Foster is addressing has been debated many many times on the list. It's 
the split on the Marxist left concerning the terms "imperialist" and 
"sub-imperialist" or whether, as Arrighi, H & N, Harvey, Robinson, and others 
contend, the concept has outlived its usefulness in a world dominated by 
multinationals. Of course this theoretical question has crucial political 

The reason I anticipated it would not be favourably received is because most 
here subscribe to the inter-imperialist thesis, with some preoccupied to the 
point of obsession with so-called Chinese and Russian "imperialism" than with 
US imperialism. That is not JBF's position nor Michael Roberts' nor mine, as my 
intro to the essay made clear.  I think Bellamy Foster is less critical of the 
regimes in his stout and necessary defence of Venezuela, Cuba, and China than I 
and probably Roberts would be, but that is a secondary matter since none of us, 
unlike on the list, would describe any of them as partial to "capitalism".

But, as I said, we've endlessly debated this issue and I for one am somewhat 
tired of it and would live with our differences. If we were poised to take 
power, these theoretical and strategic questions would warrant the heat 
expended on them, but we're a far way removed from that.

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Re: [marxmail] The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left

2024-11-04 Thread Marv Gandall
What you're picking up from me is that I believe the central issue which 
Bellamy Foster is addressing has been debated many many times on the list. It's 
the split on the Marxist left concerning the terms "imperialist" and 
"sub-imperialist" or whether, as Arrighi, H & N, Harvey, Robinson, and others 
contend, the concept has outlived its usefulness in a world dominated by 
multinationals. Of course this theoretical question has crucial political 

The reason I anticipated it would not be favourably received is because most 
here subscribe to the inter-imperialist thesis, with some preoccupied to the 
point of obsession with so-called Chinese and Russian "imperialism" than with 
US imperialism. That is not JBF's position nor Michael Roberts' nor mine, as my 
intro to the essay made clear.  I think Bellamy Foster is less critical of the 
regimes in his stout and necessary defence of Venezuela, Cuba, and China than I 
and probably Roberts would be, but that is a secondary matter since none of us, 
unlike on the list, would describe any of them as definitively "capitalist".

But, as I said, we've endlessly debated this issue and I for one am somewhat 
tired of it and would live with our differences. If we were poised to take 
power, these theoretical and strategic questions would warrant the heat 
expended on them, but we're a far way removed from that.

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Re: [marxmail] The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left

2024-11-04 Thread sartesian
Let's see if I understand Marv correctly:  Challenging MG to provide some 
evidence for his claim that the "list" would not welcome JFB's essay is proof 
that the "list" does not welcome JFB's essay.

I don't know what you call that in logic class, but I call it f$%ked up. and 

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Re: [marxmail] The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left

2024-11-04 Thread Marv Gandall
I think it's evident that the MR essay, as I said, would "not be received 
favourably", the argument being that Foster Bellamy has created an  straw man 
(person?) which has little or nothing to do with Marxism and the views 
expressed on this list.

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Re: [marxmail] The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left

2024-11-04 Thread sartesian
On Mon, Nov 4, 2024 at 02:00 PM, Marv Gandall wrote:

> At first glance, pretty much everything from #4 on, though I'm not about
> to do a search of the archive to produce a footnoted report. To be clear,
> I don't agree with certain forumulations in the essay but I do strongly
> agree with its overall thesis.

Can you give a single example of any of those positions from #4 on being a 
consensus opinion or receiving substantial support on this list?

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Re: [marxmail] The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left

2024-11-04 Thread Mark Baugher
Hi Marv

> On Nov 4, 2024, at 11:00 AM, Marv Gandall via 
>  wrote:
> On Sun, Nov 3, 2024 at 10:47 AM, Mark Baugher wrote:
> Which of these sentiments have you heard on the list? At first glance, pretty 
> much everything from #4 on,

Recall we are talking about
 and its list of points quoted in 
Marv argues that the statement "humanitarian imperialism designed to protect 
human rights is justified" is a sentiment widely supported among the few dozen 
people who frequently post to marxmail.  "Humanitarian Imperialism" 
 is a term that applies to politicians like Samantha Power 
( but is an epithet when applied 
to us.  I don't know why I have to defend that point from Marv, a frequent user 
of the marxmail.  How about "imperialism is simply a political policy of 
aggression of one state against another."  Who among us believes that?

> though I'm not about to do a search of the archive to produce a footnoted 
> report.

Those two statements above aren't about "Euro-centric Marxism" but non-Marxism.

> To be clear, I don't agree with certain forumulations in the essay but I do 
> strongly agree with its overall thesis. 

Which is what?


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Re: [marxmail] The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left

2024-11-04 Thread Marv Gandall
On Sun, Nov 3, 2024 at 10:47 AM, Mark Baugher wrote:

> Which of these sentiments have you heard on the list?

At first glance, pretty much everything from #4 on, though I'm not about to do 
a search of the archive to produce a footnoted report. To be clear, I don't 
agree with certain forumulations in the essay but I do strongly agree with its 
overall thesis.

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Re: [marxmail] The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left

2024-11-04 Thread D Derwin
It is the denial of imperialism, and of resistance to it, that those on the 
left in solidarity with Ukraine are pointing to.

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Re: [marxmail] The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left

2024-11-03 Thread Mark Baugher

> On Nov 3, 2024, at 9:04 AM, Marv Gandall via 
>  wrote:
> Chinese and Russian "imperialism" and various "sub-imperialisms" criticized 
> in the Monthly Review article are shared by the great majority of active 
> contributors on the list, including, I believe, all of the moderators.

Is that what the article was about?  Here is what JBF is arguing against in the 
article, point by point:

"(1) one nation cannot exploit another; (2) there is no such thing as monopoly 
capitalism as the economic basis of imperialism; (3) imperialist rivalry and 
exploitation between nations has been displaced by global class struggles 
within a fully globalized transnational capitalism; (4) all great powers today 
are capitalist nations engaged in interimperialist struggle; (5) imperialist 
nations can be judged primarily on a democratic-authoritarian spectrum, so that 
not all imperialisms are created equal; (6) imperialism is simply a political 
policy of aggression of one state against another; (7) humanitarian imperialism 
designed to protect human rights is justified; (8) the dominant classes in the 
Global South are no longer anti-imperialist and are either transnationalist or 
subimperialist in orientation; (9) the “anti-imperialist left” is “Manichean” 
in its support of the morally “good” Global South against the morally “bad” 
Global North; (10) economic imperialism has now been “reversed” with the Global 
East/ South now exploiting the Global West/North; (11) China and the United 
States head rival imperialist blocs; and (12) Lenin was mainly a theorist of 
interimperialism, not of the imperialism of center and periphery."

Which of these sentiments have you heard on the list?


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Re: [marxmail] The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left

2024-11-03 Thread Marv Gandall
On Sun, Nov 3, 2024 at 08:27 AM, Mark Baugher wrote:

> Why do you think it will not be received favorably on the list? We have a
> diversity of opinion on this list and in its moderation.

Based on my observations, the dubious notions of Chinese and Russian 
"imperialism" and various "sub-imperialisms" criticized in the Monthly Review 
article are shared by the great majority of active contributors on the list, 
including, I believe, all of the moderators. A very few, eg. myself, Vladimiro 
Giacche, and lawatwork, agree with JFB's incisive criticism.  You could always 
take a poll if you still think my anticipating that the essay would not be 
viewed favourably on this list is somehow unfair, even slanderous.

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Re: [marxmail] The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left

2024-11-03 Thread Charlie
While a super-radical version of Roy Cohn here thinks he scores a point about 
"the denial of the plain fact that there is an aggressor," let us recall:

> "There is not a single word in the Basle Manifesto about the defence of
> the fatherland, or about the difference between a war of aggression and a
> war of defence ;" Lenin, "Opportunism and The Collapse of the Second
> International, " Jan. 1916.

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Re: [marxmail] The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left

2024-11-03 Thread Mark Baugher

> On Nov 3, 2024, at 7:27 AM, Marv Gandall via 
>  wrote:
> "Slanderous", Mark? Seriously? My statement that "it will not be received 
> favourably on the list"? You've just tagged the article as "racist". If 
> anything, I was carefully understating the reaction I was expecting. did not tag the article as racist, 
and that is obvious.  But I'll try again without any words that might trigger 
you, Marv:  Why do you think it will not be received favorably on the list?  We 
have a diversity of opinion on this list and in its moderation.


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Re: [marxmail] The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left

2024-11-03 Thread Marv Gandall
"Slanderous", Mark? Seriously? My statement that "it will not be received 
favourably on the list"? You've just tagged the article as "racist". If 
anything, I was carefully understating the reaction I was expecting.

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Re: [marxmail] The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left

2024-11-03 Thread Walter Daum via
As to the denial of imperialism, Foster’s article is a case of the pot calling 
the kettle black. It denies Russia’s imperialism (loudly proclaimed by Putin) 
and China’s quasi-imperialism (capitalism with imperialist characteristics). 
The US is not the only imperialist power on earth.

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Re: [marxmail] The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left

2024-11-03 Thread Mark Baugher

> On Nov 2, 2024, at 10:04 AM, Marv Gandall via 
>  wrote:
> "The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left” which will not be received 
> favourably on this list. 

I read it and some references, navigating MR's looney information technology 
where logging in once is never enough.  Much more can be said about the long 
article, but I have no clue as to why Marv thinks that it will not be reviewed 
favorably on the list - meaning, not anyone?  After reading the article, I 
think Marv's statement is slanderous, like the oxymoron "Eurocentric Marxists," 
which I think is scholarly for "racist."


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Re: [marxmail] The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left

2024-11-02 Thread Vladimiro Giacche'
Here we have another very common pattern of Imperialism denial:

 the denial of the plain fact that there is an aggressor by saying that 
“China-U.S. contradiction is an objective consequence of capitalist 

Obviously the war is favored by NOT contrasting the aggressor at home, also by 
justifying him by reference to “objective consequences of capitalist 
development”, and not the other way round. 

in Inviato da iPhone

> Il giorno 2 nov 2024, alle ore 18:58, Charlie via 
>  ha scritto:
> Foster:
> "Following the 2007–2009 Great Financial Crisis and the continuing rise of 
> China, Barack Obama instituted his 'Pivot to Asia.' This was followed by the 
> New Cold War on China initiated by the Donald Trump administration, which was 
> carried forward by the Joe Biden administration."
> The China-U.S. contradiction is an objective consequence of capitalist 
> development. Foster, like a liberal and like Gandall on this list, can only 
> argue "who started it" and "who is the aggressor" – just like the social 
> democrats in Germany and France and England and the U.S. who pushed workers 
> to the slaughter in World War One.

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Re: [marxmail] The New Denial of Imperialism on the Left

2024-11-02 Thread Charlie
When it comes to the big contradiction between monopoly capitalist countries, 
Foster goes against Lenin's work on imperialism:

"Following the 2007–2009 Great Financial Crisis and the continuing rise of 
China, Barack Obama instituted his 'Pivot to Asia.' This was followed by the 
New Cold War on China initiated by the Donald Trump administration, which was 
carried forward by the Joe Biden administration."

The China-U.S. contradiction is an objective consequence of capitalist 
development. Foster, like a liberal and like Gandall on this list, can only 
argue "who started it" and "who is the aggressor" – just like the social 
democrats in Germany and France and England and the U.S. who pushed workers to 
the slaughter in World War One. Bellamy Foster is with them and against the 
Lenin who stood with the workers of these countries and who led the Russian 
working class to overthrow Kerensky and take the country out of the war.

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