Hi everyone.

As I am using the mentioned configuration (RedHat 5.2 with kernel 2.0.36) I 
gave this a try and my results seem to backup what Michele is saying:

BEFORE pinging I typed in the following two commands and got the expected 

> ipfwadm -M -l
IP masquerading entries
prot expire   source               destination          ports
tcp  09:59.26    ftp.univie.ac.at     1318 (61067) -> ftp
udp  01:48.42    icq.mirabilis.com    1333 (61079) -> 4000

> ./netstat -M
IP masquerading entries
prot   expire source               destination          ports
tcp   9:50.08    ftp.univie.ac.at     1318 -> ftp (61067)
udp   1:59.36    icq.mirabilis.com    1333 -> 4000 (61079)

( ist the masqueraded machine, would be my linux 

THEN I did a "ping www.linux.org" on my internal machine and got the following 

> ipfwadm -M -l
IP masquerading entries
ipfwadm: unexpected input data
Try `ipfwadm -h' for more information.

> ./netstat -M
masq_info.c: Internal Error `ip_masquerade unknown type'.

I have encountered the "ipfwadm: unexpected input data" error before, but never 
new what caused it. Now it seems that does indeed indicate nothing else but a 
masqueraded ICMP entry.

After waiting a while (presumably until the ICMP entry expired) I got "normal" 
results out of the above commands again.


Robert Wunderer


On Thursday, February 11, 1999 10:11 AM, Michele Nicosia 
> Anyone in this list using kernel 2.0.35/36 can do a ping to some site to
> internet, and for the linux masquerade server can do a netstat -M ??? what
> do it report??? if it come up with an error it si like me, if it report
> nothing the icmp masquerading isn't working, if it come up with somthing
> like this:
> IP masquerading entries
> prot   expire source               destination          ports
> tcp   1:59.98 Itamik.altro.it      venere.inet.it       1075 -> nntp
> (61233)
> naturally the prot field would be better to be icmp, but from my machine i
> can see only tcp or udp entry.
> The icmp works, i reach the site and can see the reply, but net-tools are
> offended for this thing.
>                       Bye
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