Jerzy Karczmarczuk wrote the following on 02/08/2012 05:55 PM:
>> I am experiencing missing "segments" in the output of imshow()....
>> Here is a minimal example:
>> I have attached an example of the output.  In theory, there should be
>> a continuous line from the left side of the picture to the right side.
>>   The problem seems to occur across backends.  Additionally, the
>> thickness of the segments is not uniform.  Some are thinner than the
>> rest.   Decreasing the value of N seems to make the issue go away.
>>   Increasing the value of N makes the problem worse.
>> Any ideas on what is going on and how I can fix it?
> Imshow scales your geometry according to the figure size, and if you
> *insist* on having the "nearest" interpolation, you may lose pixels
> while drawing, it is as simple as that. No miracles.
> How to fix it?
> 1. Use bilinear, or sinc, or any smooth interpolation.
> 2. Make your figure big enough, say  plt.figure(figsize=(14,14)).

Taking the image size to (30,30) made all the segments appear, but their 
thickness was still not uniform.  Using some sort of smoothing helped, 
but it still not displaying what the matrix was specified as: a set of 
blocks, somewhat resembling a line, all of which are the same color and 

Can I have matplotlib show the matrix as I have specified it?  Or is 
that too naive (on my part)?

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