Hi.  I wrote a socket server in python that accepts up to two data 
arrays and should plot them using matplotlib.  Unfortunately, when I 
made my server multi-threaded I ran into some very strange issues.  I 
can't figure out what exactly is happening so I can't fix it.  If anyone 
knows what is going on/why it isn't working, please let me know.

Here is a code snippet (showing what happens when only one data array is 
passed to it):

class pyserv(threading.Thread):
        def __init__(self,(socket,address)):

def run(self):
                      (irrelevant code here, receive data from socket, 
byteswap, prepare format string for
                       unpacking below, etc.)
                      dataArray = array(struct.unpack(format,data))

count = 1
s.bind(appropriate options here)
print 'server running'
while True:
       count += 1

Scenario A:  When I run this and send one set of data, it plots just 
fine.  Subsequent data sets never plot, it opens up a new window as if 
it wants to plot something and then hangs.
Scenario B:  When I run this and send one set of data, view it, and then 
close it, I can send another data set.  It opens up a figure, plots it, 
and then closes immediately afterwards with no interaction on my part.  
If I put a sleep command after the show(), like sleep(5),it will stay up 
for 5 seconds and then close.
Scenario C: If I plot the data but do not show it until after the while 
loop, I get the same results as in scenario A.

Is it breaking because I can't use multiple show() commands?  Does 
matplotlib not play nice with threads or something, or am I just not 
implementing threads correctly (first time w/ python using threads)?  
Data arrays being passed are just character/integer/float arrays.  I am 
using an array from numpy to unpack data from the struct.  Let me know 
if you need more info.  Thanks,


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