On Sep 11, 2010, at 12:00 PM, Radek Machulka wrote:

> Hi Folks,
> I am trying to do something similar to
> http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/examples/pylab_examples/scatter_hist.html,
> but with a line plots instead of histograms.
> My problem is how to set orientation of line plot if there is no
> 'orientation' argument (line axHisty.hist(y, bins=bins,
> orientation='horizontal') in the example).
> Thanks a lot
> Radek

Since a line plot doesn't really have an orientation, this might be a lot 
simpler than you think. If I understand your question, you can just switch your 
x and y data to get the desired behavior.

Continuing the example you link to, just remove the lines that create the 
histogram (last 4 lines before plt.show) and replace with normal plot commands; 
for example:

bins = np.arange(-lim, lim + binwidth, binwidth)
x_hist, _ = np.histogram(x, bins=bins)
y_hist, _ = np.histogram(y, bins=bins)
x_bin_centers = y_bin_centers = (bins[:-1] + bins[1:])/2.
axHistx.plot(x_bin_centers, x_hist)
axHisty.plot(y_hist, y_bin_centers)

The first line above marks the last line in the example script that you should 
keep. Note that you don't have to use histogram data (x_hist, y_hist); I only 
do so to simplify the example. Also, x_bin_centers and y_bin_centers are only 
equal because the scatter data is square.

Is this what you were going for?


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