Dear all:

I am trying the numpy-scipy-matplotlib stack on Opensuse 10.2 from

No success with matplotlib, however.  Two problems:

- No plot windows open at all

- When using TeX ouput, ghostscript segfaults:

  sh: line 1: 11319 Segmentation fault      gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -r6000 
-sDEVICE=pswrite -sPAPERSIZE=letter 

So in short, nothing works.  Has anybody been successfully running
this RPM?  (Background: This is for the teaching lab computers at my
university where I'd like to experiment with in-class use of scipy.  I
have an agreement with the sysadmin that he'd install
numpy-scipy-matplotlib if it runs "out-of-the-box" from a standard
repository without any manual fiddling.  Otherwise, I'd be out of
luck.  On my personal workstation I run Fedora where I never had any
problem with the "official" RPMs from Fedora Extra...)


PS.: Yes, I got past the BLAS/Lapack problem.  Short answer: Don't use
the official blas and lapack packages from Suse, they are incomplete.
Use the RPMs from the repository above.

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