[Matplotlib-users] AxesGrid: X axis dates and other axis questions.

2009-12-11 Thread Ryan Neve
(sorry if this is a duplicate post)

Thank you for your help. I found the problem. It was caused by using
pyplot.title(). It is working better now.
I next have to figure out how to do the following within AxesGrid:

   1. How to convert the x axis labels from an integer value representing
   epoch seconds to a nicely formatted date. I think this has something to do
   with matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter. I hope that this will remove the
   1.25325e9 from the plot.

   2. How to minimize or eliminate the white bands on the right and bottom
   of each axes caused by the axis scale exceeding the data values.

   3. How to eliminate (or hide) the first major tic label on the y axis
   (always 0) so it doesn't overlap with the last tick from the previous y

It seems like there may be a different way to approach this than with


Here's a complete example:*

from matplotlib import pyplot
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid import AxesGrid
from numpy import arange, linspace, meshgrid, random, transpose
# Generate some data
x_dim = linspace(125325,125325 + 60*60*24,47) # This is epoch
y_dim = arange(0,-2.7,-0.1)
z_dim = {}
z_dim['chl'] = random.rand(len(x_dim),len(y_dim)) +
z_dim['do'] = random.rand(len(x_dim),len(y_dim)) +
z_dim['turb'] = random.rand(len(x_dim),len(y_dim)) +
x_grid,y_grid = meshgrid(x_dim,y_dim)
x_grid = transpose(x_grid)
y_grid = transpose(y_grid)
# Start the plotting routines
DAP_figure = pyplot.figure(1,(8,8))
#pyplot.title('Title goes here') # *THIS IS THE LINE THAT CAUSES THE EARLIER

# Create a grid of axes with the AxesGrid helper class
my_grid = AxesGrid(DAP_figure, 111, # Only one grid in DAP_figure
nrows_ncols = (3,1),

axes_pad = 0.0, #pad between axes in inches
aspect=False, #By default (False), widths and heigths of
axes in the grid are scaled independently. If True, they are scaled
according to their data limits
add_all=True, # Add axes to figures if True (default True)
share_all=False, # xaxis  yaxis of all axes are shared if
True (default False)

label_mode = L, # location of tick labels thaw will be
displayed. 1 (only the lower left axes), L (left most and bottom most
axes), or all
cbar_location=right, # right or top
cbar_mode=each, # None,single, or each

for i,parameter in enumerate(z_dim):
ax = my_grid[i].pcolor(x_grid,y_grid,z_dim[parameter])
my_grid[i].set_ylabel(parameter) # Puts a y label on every graph.
Eventually we want this labeled only once.

my_grid[i].axis[bottom].major_ticklabels.set_rotation(45) #
[image: p5R5J.png]

On Tue, Dec 8, 2009 at 7:39 PM, Jae-Joon Lee lee.j.j...@gmail.com wrote:

 Did you test the code in my previous post?

 If you want to get some help, you need to take your time to create a simple
 and complete example (which reproduces the problem) that others can easily

 Since I believe the problem is due to the existence of an extra axes, your
 example don't need to show any images. Please post a simple script that
 draws a blank AxesGrid and shows extra ticklabels as your current code does.



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Re: [Matplotlib-users] AxesGrid: X axis dates and other axis questions.

2009-12-11 Thread Jae-Joon Lee
On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 2:34 PM, Ryan Neve ryan.n...@gmail.com wrote:

 Thank you for your help. I found the problem. It was caused by using
 pyplot.title(). It is working better now.
 I next have to figure out how to do the following within AxesGrid:

1. How to convert the x axis labels from an integer value representing
epoch seconds to a nicely formatted date. I think this has something to do
with matplotlib.dates.DateFormatter. I hope that this will remove the
1.25325e9 from the plot.

2. How to minimize or eliminate the white bands on the right and bottom
of each axes caused by the axis scale exceeding the data values.

3. How to eliminate (or hide) the first major tic label on the y axis
(always 0) so it doesn't overlap with the last tick from the previous y

 It seems like there may be a different way to approach this than with

While there are certain differences, most of the usual matplotlib command
supposed to work. So, I recommend you to read the matplotlib documentation

1. There are lots of examples in the gallery. Please take a look.

2. see the code below.

3. this kind of thing is difficult to do with axes_grid toolkit. but see

First, you need to change the x-values to date (not seconds).
Then, add the code below inside your for loop.

Other than ax.axis[bottom].. thing, these are just normal matplotlib

Also, I should have mentioned it earlier, but I don't see any need of
axes_grid toolkit in your code. You'd better simply use subplot, which is
recommended if you're not familiar with matplotlib.



ax = my_grid[i]

ax.autoscale_view(tight=True) # adjust xlim and ylim
# you can manually call ax.set_xlim and ax.set_ylim.

ax.xaxis_date() # tick format as date and time


# with axes_grid toolkit, it is difficult to make a certain
# ticklabel invisible (without disabling the tick line).  The
# below line of code slightly adjust the ylim so that y=0 ticks
# are not shown
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