
I have a problem when importing numpy from matplotlib.numerix:

             When I do:

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.numerix as num # numpy
from num import median, std

              I get:
exceptions.ImportError                               Traceback (most
recent call last)
ImportError: No module named num

It seems that it does not import numpy but something else. (for example
num.std does not exist).
How do I solve that? (I saw a thread which seems to indicate that it was
solved recently, but I have recent versions of everything :
    matplotlib version 0.87.5
    platform is linux2
    numerix numpy 1.0rc1.dev3157
    backend GTKAgg version 2.8.2
    Python 2.4.2 (#1, May  2 2006, 08:13:46)
    IPython 0.7.3.svn -- An enhanced Interactive Python.

What could I do there?

Note that in the help of matplotlib.numerix, numpy is only indicated in
Option 0. (see below)

thanks for any help there.

when I do:

help num

==> I get:

Help on package matplotlib.numerix in matplotlib:

    matplotlib.numerix - numerix  imports either Numeric or numarray
based on various selectors.


    0.  If the value "--numpy","--numarray" or "--Numeric" is specified
on the
        command line, then numerix imports the specified
        array package.

    1. The value of numerix in matplotlibrc: either Numeric or numarray

    2. If none of the above is done, the default array package is Numeric.
       Because the matplotlibrc always provides *some* value for numerix
       (it has it's own system of default values), this default is most
       likely never used.

    To summarize: the  commandline is examined first, the  rc file second,
    and the default array package is Numeric.

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