Sorry, one mistake in my example: the BUS_TYPE in the second case should
obviously be 2 (PV), not 1.

Jose L. Marin
Grupo AIA

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 11:48 PM, Jose Luis Marin <>

> Looking at those records I think I may have misunderstood what you're
> doing.  I thought you were converting a given PQ bus (BUS_I=246) into PV,
> but the generator record you're showing is attached to BUS_I=1 instead.
> To be precise, I thought you were starting from (numbers made up for this
> example):
> bus_i       type    Pd       Qd      Gs    Bs    area    Vm    Va
> baseKV   zone    Vmax   Vmin
> 246          1      15.37    1.12    0     0     3       1     0
> 20       4       2      0.6;
> And, assuming that the solution for that starting case gave for instance
> V=1.0375 on BUS_I=246, then making these changes to the case:
> bus_i       type    Pd       Qd      Gs    Bs    area    Vm    Va
> baseKV    zone   Vmax   Vmin
> 246          1      0.0      0.0     0     0     3       1     0
> 20        4      2      0.6;
> plus adding this generator to the bus:
> bus        Pg        Qg        Qmax       Qmin       Vg        mBase
> status    Pmax   ...
> 246        -15.37     0         999.99     -999.99    1.0375    100
> 1       1.3        ...
> Then, provided you are not enforcing MVAR limits (which may change a lot
> of things), you should obtain the same powerflow solution in this second
> case (with Qg near -1.12, in this example),
> Did I miss something?
> --
> Jose L. Marin
> Grupo AIA
> On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 7:26 PM, Chris Prokop <>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> @ Jose L. Marin:
>> I used a generator in both cases, hence it should be the correct sign
>> (should result in the same I guess). Anyway P was very small, around 1e-6
>> MW.
>> I'm not sure if I've modelled something wrong: S_base is 100, my
>> generator is at bus 1 (at the end zeros(1,12)):
>> bus        Pg        Qg        Qmax        Qmin    Vg        mBase
>> status    Pmax   ...
>> 1           0.4        0            0.7        -0.45        1.04
>> 100        1            1.3        ...
>> And the PQ-bus:
>> bus_i       type    Pd               Qd    Gs    Bs    area    Vm
>> Va    baseKV    zone    Vmax    Vmin
>> 246          1         2.64e-06    -30    0      0     3          1
>>    0     20            4           2           0.6;
>> I've tried another thing: I changed the PQ-bus from -30 to +30 Mvar (e.g.
>> mpc.bus(1, 4) = 0)  and for another time I did the same with the generator
>> from +30 to -30 Mvar (e.g. mpc.gen(1, 3)=30), the other part (gen vs. load)
>> was always set to 0. The result was not (!) the same... hm? - I guess this
>> is the reason for the problem.
>> With the bus I get results from -8 Mvar up to 30 Mvar with v=0.635 to
>> 1.46 whereas with the generator the voltage varies only within -1 Mvar and
>> +1 Mvar (appr. 1.01 pu to appr. 1.04 pu), for other Q-injections the
>> voltage doesn't change.
>> I uploaded the plot under:
>> Do you have any idea why?
>> Thanks for your help, nice regards,
>> Chris
>> Am 28.04.2016 um 17:41 schrieb Jose Luis Marin:
>> Those are certainly some crazy Mvar injections!  Just checking: are you
>> sure you reversed the signs of P properly when switching the type of that
>> bus from PQ (load) to PV (gen with neg real power), also taking care of
>> making the corresponding changes in the bus row and adding a new gen row?
>> If you could share your case file I could try to give you a quick
>> diagnostic.
>> --
>> Jose L. Marin
>> Grupo AIA
>> On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 5:19 PM, Chris Prokop <
>> > wrote:
>>> Thanks for your responses.
>>> @ Ray Zimmerman:
>>> I can't find the problem here. If I set Q=+0.7 Mvar (cap.), the voltage
>>> at this bus is about 1.04 p.u., with Q=-0.7 Mvar (ind.) it decreases to
>>> 1.02 p.u., the power flow converges as expected (+the result is as
>>> expected). Only converting this bus into a PV-bus results in the problem
>>> mentioned above (with or without limits). I don't get why the Newton Power
>>> Flow returns for example 1e3 Mvar for this bus as a result, as only <1 Mvar
>>> should have been enough reactive power.
>>> Before solving the case the reactive power of the generators at the
>>> PV-buses are (variable gen in runpf):
>>> - Reference bus: 0 Mvar
>>> - PV-Bus1: 0 Mvar
>>> - PV-Bus2: 64.4 Mvar
>>> - PV-Bus3 (the problematic one): 0.1 Mvar
>>> after solving it (after pfsoln), the variable gen is filled with:
>>> - Reference bus: 1e6 Mvar
>>> - PV-Bus1: 2.7e4 Mvar
>>> - PV-Bus2: 9.6e3 Mvar
>>> - PV-Bus3 (the problematic one): -600 Mvar
>>> whereas the next most reactive power intensive gen&bus has less than 5e2
>>> Mvar. I don't understand where the power comes from/goes to...
>>> @ Jose Luis Marin:
>>> If I use the voltage from the PQ-calculation (e.g. 20.6668/20
>>> p.u.) there remains the same problem. Also without Q-limits I get the the
>>> problem...
>>> Vg=1 p.u. actually works as a PV-bus, Vg=1.01 or Vg=1.02 etc. don't.
>>> Nice regards,
>>> Chris
>>> 2016-04-28 16:04 GMT+02:00 Ray Zimmerman <>:
>>>> It sounds like the voltage at that bus may be very sensitive to the
>>>> reactive power injection. One thing you might try to get some idea of this
>>>> is to change that bus back to PQ with the reactive at the lower limit, then
>>>> try running a few cases with slightly perturbed values of the reactive
>>>> power at that generator and see how the voltage at the bus changes.
>>>>    Ray
>>>> On Apr 28, 2016, at 8:40 AM, Chris Prokop <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I'm using Matpower (v5.0b1, but the same holds for v5.1) for a 220
>>>> kV/110 kV/20 kV-grid quite a while. The grid has 1 reference bus (220 kV),
>>>> 2 PV-buses (220 kV) and >100 PQ-buses (110 kV & 20 kV). So far calculating
>>>> the grid using runpf with Newton has never been a problem.
>>>> Now I've tried to change a 20 kV PQ-bus to a PV-bus with the Q-limits
>>>> +0.7 for Q_max and -0.45 for Q_min (considering mpopt =
>>>> mpoption('pf.enforce_q_lims', 1)). If I set Vg of the generator to
>>>> 1.05 I get the error:
>>>> "All 4 remaining gens exceed their Q limits : INFEASIBLE PROBLEM"
>>>> whereas when using 1.00 as Vg there is no problem (then the generator
>>>> is at its lower Q-limit, hence converted to PQ). If the problem is
>>>> infeasible the result of pfsoln in runpf are Q-values of all 4
>>>> PV generators (Slack+3 PV) that are out of their limits. Why is there such
>>>> a big difference between the case V=1.05 and V=1.00?
>>>> As a info: the Slack has a Q-Limit of +-10000, both of the already
>>>> existing PV buses +720/-290, according to case_info the total generation is
>>>> -300 MW+j10 Mvar, the total load 300 MW-j50 Mvar, but I've tried several
>>>> scenarios which are no problem when using the PQ instead of the PV-bus (or
>>>> the Vg=1).
>>>> Does anybody experience a similar problem/has an idea how to fix it?
>>>> Nice regards,
>>>> Chris

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