Hi Janis,

>> I know this might not be the focus or the aim of the deployment chapter
This is the main obstacle to add that in the docs and the reason only 
recently there was a "Deploying" chapter, since this is more of an 
operations area of the project.

I also agree that it can be a showstopper, so let's give it a try. 

Others have in this group have posted their Apache configurations but are 
very varied, there doesn't seem to be a single canonical way to deploy 
Mayan under Apache. There is a issue for this 
(https://gitlab.com/mayan-edms/mayan-edms/issues/254) my knowledge of uWSGI 
under Apache is not extensive but we can work on refining a simple Apache 
instruction set enough to get people started. Sounds good?

On Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 6:37:18 AM UTC-4, Janis K wrote:
> Hi all,
> a few weeks ago I checked the demo site of Mayan and was very impressed -> 
> good work so far!
> Today I got a little bit more time to test the quick installation guide of 
> the documentation on a Debian Jessie VirtualBox VM (my aim is to deploy it 
> on the new raspberry pi 3 (raspbian lite) and to manage all my paper-based 
> documents in order to get a step-forward to a paperless home office).
> The first test resulted in a satisfied self, so good so far.
> But the next step seems a bit more complicated, because the deployment 
> guide of the documentation is very straight forward and does not deal with 
> other options, like using Apache2 instead of nginx and configure SSL and 
> other Ports etc.
> I know this might not be the focus or the aim of the deployment chapter, 
> but I think it could be a very useful for others, because a lack of 
> information could be a showstopper for people like me (private usage and 
> other websites / apps already running on apache / no django experience).
> Are there any suggestions or hints regarding my request, so that i am able 
> to get things together and provide a little tutorial or step-by-step guide 
> back to you and all readers in order to get the documentation a step 
> further :-)
> I think the knowledge aboout this should already exist in this group.
> Thank You,
> Janis


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