
I have the following code (see below), I wonder how I can set the font type and 
size for tv1 and tv2. Or set tv1 to use 'System' and tv2 'SmallSystem'? Any 

  dim tv1 as new NSTextFieldMBS( 0, 19, 100, 20 )
  tv1.StringValue = "System"
  tv1.Editable = false
  tv1.textColor = NSColorMBS.blackColor
  tv1.alignment = 2
  tv1.drawsBackground = false
  tv1.Bordered = false
  dim tv2 as new NSTextFieldMBS( 0, 0, 100, 20 )
  tv2.StringValue = "66.93 GB"
  tv2.Editable = false
  tv2.textColor = NSColorMBS.darkGrayColor
  tv2.alignment = 2
  tv2.drawsBackground = false
  tv2.Bordered = false
  dim vv as new NSViewMBS( 0, 0, 100, 45 )
  vv.addSubview tv1
  vv.addSubview tv2
  vc = new NSViewControllerMBS
  vc.view = vv
  pw = new NSPopoverMBS
  pw.animates = true
  pw.contentViewController = vc
  pw.behavior = pw.NSPopoverBehaviorSemitransient
  pw.appearance = pw.NSPopoverAppearanceMinimal
  dim v as NSViewMBS = me.NSViewMBS
  dim r as NSRectMBS = v.bounds
  pw.showRelativeToRect(r, v, pw.MaxYEdge )


Stan Busk - Software Engineer
at Max Programming, S.L.U.

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