Janek Kozicki said: (by the date of Fri, 21 May 2010 21:11:12 +0200)
> Tell me if my idea of how to work here is correct:
> - create a trac ticket for each thing that I plan to do with tree
> view (I have several separate ideas).
> - create a branch for those tickets.
> - once some ticket is done: push it
> - then you can pull and test it.
> correct?
I allowed myself to make the tickets:
> 1) use skins for display of ─ / ▶ / ▼ : #1518
> 2) display whether the subdirectories ▶ are hidden (dot-files) or not
>(it can be annoying if you try to unfold, and nothing unfolds,
>because the subdirectories are hidden).
> 3) Second press of Enter on a collapsed directory, which contains only
>hidden subdirectories, should unfold and show those hidden
> 4) speed up detection whether a directory has subdirectories, by
> caching this information in the tree_entry struct: (mtime timestamp +
> yes|no)
> 5) display symlinked directories
> 6) use Enter to unfold/collapse a directory : #2202, #1517
#2202, #1517
> 7) Improve F3 "Forget-this" option by adding another
> "Forget-everything-except-this"
> That's the stuff that I am thinking about. Ideally each of them
> should be a separate (smaller) patch, but they will have to be
> applied in order (they depend on each other).
> Finely graining this should make it easier for you to review each patch.
> how do you think? Should I make 5 new tickets?
> PS: I'm browsing 'quick git tutorial' to find out, how to commit
> locally my current changes, and how to push them under some useful
> name for you, like "1518_skins_tree_view"
Janek Kozicki http://janek.kozicki.pl/ |
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