Date: Fri, 27 Jun 1997 17:25:35 -0500
From: Guy Hermann <>
Subject: Re: MCN Conflict of interest policy

Jennifer, Robert, et. al.

Thanks for the comments on MCN's new policy on conflict of interest in
conference sessions.  This policy was suggested after the last conference
and was proposed, discussed and approved at the last board meeting.  It is
similar to policies in force at other membership organizations like AAM and

The policy is certainly not designed to exclude vendors or consultants from
the conference program.  I am not sure what part of its language gives that
impression.  The policy specifically states that we value vendors and
consultants (and we do!).  It does not exclude vendors or consultants from
proposing or participating in sessions, nor does it place a complete
stricture on their chairing sessions ("_should_ not chair sessions" is the
exact language).

The intent is to keep the focus of conference sessions on issues.  It is
also designed to act as a reminder to those few vendors and consultants who
might be tempted to use conference sessions to promote their own products
and services. We have rehashed the policy again on the MCN Board discussion
list and the concensus is that such a policy is in the best interest of the
membership and will result in a stronger conference program.

If you feel that this policy will adversely affect your ability to
participate in your session at the conference, please let me know and we
can discuss it further.

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