Hello everyone,

For another ten days (ticking clock!), the American Alliance of Museums will be accepting session proposals for AAM 2017 (St. Louis, May 7–10). The AAM 2017 Program Committee aims to populate twelve program tracks with a wide range of topics, interactive session formats, and engaging presenters who represent diverse perspectives.


Proposal submissions will close September 2, a week from this Friday. Topics central to many of our conversations in MCN figure prominently in AAM 2017's session tracks, which include Forces of Change; Media & Technology; Education, Audience Research, & Evaluation; Marketing & Community Engagement; Career Management; and more:


best to all,
Rob (MCN representative on AAM Council of Affiliates)

Rob Lancefield
Manager of Museum Information Services / Registrar of Collections
Davison Art Center, Wesleyan University
301 High Street, Middletown CT 06459-0487 USA
rlancefield [at] wesleyan [dot] edu  |  tel. 860.685.2965

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