**Meet Your ARCS Board Members**
We’re pleased to start a new feature in our updates, introducing you to
ARCS Board members.  This month we start with Founding Board Member Andrea

“I've been a registrar for 25 years. As an art history major at Edinboro
University, I distinctly remember the professor teaching a Museum & Gallery
Management course that said "The registrar is the most important position
in a museum." And, as he explained what this position was responsible for
and why, I knew that was what I wanted to be. Who wouldn't want to be the
most important in their chosen field?

Two events in my career stand out as particularly defining moments for me.
The first, and undoubtedly the most significant, was my boss dying on my
first ever courier trip. It was essentially a baptism by fire... everything
you need to master in an international round-the-world, month long courier
trip, manifesting itself as literal worst-case-scenarios. It made me a
stronger person, and plunged me into another level of understanding of what
this career entails. I usually end up retelling the story over drinks at
ARCS conferences, as my friends well know.

The second, and much less dramatic, was a two and a half year US State
Department tour with a Warhol exhibition throughout post-Soviet countries
at the turn of the millennium. Bringing original art to countries that had
never seen a 'contemporary' exhibition like that was significant to
understand the big picture of why I do what I do. It was an unbelievably
stressful and complicated tour in every sense, but thinking about how that
show might impact the creative output of a previously sheltered region is
absolutely mind-blowing to me.

This career has unlimited daily challenges, but the rewards are, in my
experience, well worth it.”

**ARCS Board Election Alert**
A call will be sent in the next week for candidates to fill an opening on
the ARCS Board of Directors. Please think about the competent, involved,
committed registrars and collections specialists of your acquaintance who
would make a good addition to the board and be prepared to respond to the
call when it arrives. Watch your email inbox!

**#ARCSConf 2017 Stipend Recipient Reviews**
Reviews of conference sessions from our travel stipend recipients are now
available on our website.  Today we would like to highlight the following:

-Barbara Campisi, Campisi Art Collections Management, Brooklyn NY: A
Registrar, a Broker and an Underwriter Walk into a Bar… : Advanced Topics
in Insurance

-Cory Gooch, Frye Art Museum, Seattle WA: Separating the Wheat from the
Chaff: Collection Priorities at Christchurch Art Gallery

Feel free to further the discussion, add comments, clarify points, etc. at
the ARCS Forum page set up for this purpose here. -

**Important Dates**
February 6, 2018  8 PM EST #ARCSchat on Twitter. Participate and follow here
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