MCN would like to express its support to our colleagues in the community
who are experiencing hardship as a result of the government shutdown.

Museums, libraries, parks, monuments, and other cultural heritage agencies
funded by the United States’ federal government provide vital services and
economic contributions. They enrich the lives of all Americans and
strengthen American democracy. In addition, federal granting agencies, such
as the Institute of Museum and Library Services, serve the work of many
private, nonprofit institutions, and the cultural heritage sector as a

Dedicated to growing the digital capacity of museum professionals, MCN
believes a political impasse simply should not disrupt or threaten these
critical services. Thousands of federal employees – cultural and
information professionals, support staff, and contractors – are currently
furloughed without pay, unable to perform their duties or carry out the
essential missions of their agencies. All workers, including non-federal
contract workers, deserve to be paid in a timely manner, and to be able to
work without threat of future disruptions.

We urge our government to find ways to end the standoff and allow everyone
to return to work as soon as possible.

MCN (Museum Computer Network), Board of Directors and staff

Eric Longo
Executive Director
MCN <> (Museum Computer Network)

toll free: +1-888-211-1477 x801
mobile: +1-917-822-7343

Click here <> to schedule a meeting with me.
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