***Emergency Programming Sub-Committee - Emergency Supply Program
Development Manual***
The ARCS Emergency Programming Sub-Committee presents the “Emergency Supply
Program Development Manual”, a comprehensive resource for those seeking to
improve, update, or develop an emergency supply program. This document
encourages emergency supply stores as a cost-effective preparedness measure
against collections emergencies.


***Member Advocacy Task Force Covid-19 Employment Impact Survey***
Has the Covid-19 pandemic affected your employment status, wages or
workload? What resources can ARCS provide to help? The Member Advocacy Task
Force has developed a survey to gather data on how the collections
community has been impacted by Covid-19 and to gauge interest in resources
ARCS can provide to help.
Please take a moment to answer this brief survey and help us bring
attention to how our field has been impacted. All responses are anonymous
and results will be shared with members in a future ARCS Update.


***Webinar September 30th at 2:00 p.m. ET: Boxes, Tubes & Pallets, Oh My!
Choosing and Using Safe Materials for Collection Housing***
There is still time to register for the upcoming ARCS webinar Boxes, Tubes
& Pallets, Oh My! Choosing and Using Safe Materials for Collection Housing.

This webinar will focus on choosing appropriate storage materials that
won’t inadvertently damage your collections over time. Making wise
decisions about products and how they are used in rehousing projects will
stretch your budget to get the most preservation bang for your buck. Your
instructor, Rachael Perkins Arenstein, will introduce several resources to
help with storage organization, mount design, and material choice, and
invite the ARCS community to collaboratively grow these resources.

Members: $25.00
Non-Members: $35.00


***MRM6 Giveaway Winner!***
We are excited to announce that the winner of the free copy of Museum
Registration Methods, 6th Edition is:

Margaret M. Tamulonis
Manager, Collections & Exhibitions
Fleming Museum of Art

Thanks again to all members for entering the giveaway, and for updating
your profile information at the same time! Keep an eye out for more
giveaways in the future!

***#ARCSchat Day in the Life Submissions***
We want to hear your stories! #ARCSchat is introducing a new segment called
"A Day in the Life" that involves you and your crazy job stories. With the
voice recorder on your phone, record a 2-5 minute clip telling us the

1. Who you are?
2. Where do you work?
3. A crazy or unique work experience you had in the past or during the

Email the clip to i...@arcsinfo.org or leave a voicemail at (847) 440-4294
and we'll include it in the podcast version of the chat.

And don’t miss our next #ARCSchat scheduled for October 6, 2020 at 1:00
p.m. ET on the ARCS YouTube Channel!
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