***Webinar Database Blues: An Action Plan for Selection and Implementation
of a New CMS***
Does the mere thought of opening your current database program give you
chills? Are you tired of creating your own hacks to make your system “work”
the way you need it to? Have you longed for a new and upgraded CMS, but
worry your management will balk at the mere mention of a change? Please
join us for a webinar focused exclusively on selecting and implementing a
new database for museum collections. On November 4 at 1:00 p.m. ET, museum
expert and consultant Rachael Cristine Woody will cover how to identify CMS
needs, how to create CMS specifications, how to test and vet potential CMS
options, and how to “sell” getting a new CMS to your boss.

Members: $25.00
Non-Members: $35.00

Register here:

And don't forget! Active ARCS members can still enter to win a free webinar
registration until October 30, 2020!

To register for the giveaway, please log-in to your ARCSInfo.org account
and, after confirming or updating your membership profile, click on the
“Enter Here to Win a Free Webinar Registration!” button that appears on the
Manage Your Profile Page.

Questions? Contact i...@arcsinfo.org.

Enter to win here: http://www.arcsinfo.org/membership/manage-your-profile

****Incident Command Systems Giveaway****
The ARCS Emergency Programming Sub-Committee is pleased to announce the
giveaway of one free copy of David Carmicheal’s *Implementing Command
System at the Institutional Level: A Handbook for Libraries, Archives,
Museums, and other Cultural Institutions. *

What is the Incident Command System (ICS)?
-The ICS is a standardized approach to coordinating emergency response.
-It is a top-down, command structure allowing all agencies to respond to an
event effectively.
-This system can be used for small or large emergencies, or even
non-emergency situations.
-This system standardizes position titles and clearly defines
responsibilities during an emergency.

For more information:
-FEMA ICS Resource Center: https://training.fema.gov/emiweb/is/icsresource/
-AIC’s Exercise Without Leaving Your Seat: Practicing The Incident Command
System at the Institutional Level:
-Conservation Centre for Art and Historic Artifacts: Introduction to the
Incident Command System:

How Do I Enter?
-Follow @arcs4all on Instagram and like this post.
-Share this post to your story.
-For an extra entry, tag a friend!
-Deadline to enter: October 31st, 2020. Winner will be announced and
contacted to arrange shipment November 1, 2020.
-Giveaway open to those within the US and Canada.

Good luck!

***#ARCSchat Career Perspectives and Day in the Life***
The latest #ARCSchat, "Career Perspectives,” highlights the diverse
trajectories of three colleagues from around the world. It also features
our new "A Day in the Life" segment only available in the podcast.

Listen to #ARCSchat Here!-https://arcschat4all.podbean.com/
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