***#ARCSConf Schedule***
The complete Schedule-At-A-Glance for #ARCSConf 2019 has now been uploaded
to our website, check it out and start planning your conference
experience.  And stay tuned for the launch of our conference app, coming


***Reminder - ARCS needs you!***
ARCS is restructuring its committees and we’re looking for new members for
committees, sub-committees and task forces.  Deadline is Sept. 18, 2019.
If you or someone you know wants to get involved, please visit our website
to learn more.


***Meet Your ARCS Board Member***

This week we would like to introduce you to one of our newest Board
members, Elise LeCompte.

I hold an M.A. in archaeology and chemistry from the University of Florida
and a B.A. in anthropology from the Johns Hopkins University.

I have been Registrar, Assistant Department Chair and Coordinator for
Museum Health and Safety for the Florida Museum of Natural History for over
30 years.  In the past I have served as a consulting collections manager,
exhibit registrar, and conservation technician at museums throughout
Florida and the Southeast and have organized workshops and done
presentations on these topics as well.

I am also an adjunct professor for the University of Florida Museum Studies
program (teaching collections management and museum ethics), as well as at
the Johns Hopkins University Museum Studies Program (teaching collections
management).  I have published several articles on collections management
and artifact conservation.

Over the years, I have served regional and national museum organizations in
several different capacities, including as an accreditation and museum
assessment program reviewer for the American Alliance of Museums, council
member, Career Center Coordinator and Scholarship Committee chair for the
Southeastern Museums Conference, Travel Grants Coordinator for the Society
for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, and mentor for the
Florida Association of Museums Connecting to Collections program.

***Important Dates***
-September 18, 2019  Deadline for nominations to ARCS committees. Learn
more here-
-October 1, 2019 8 PM ET #ARCSchat on YouTube Live!-
-November 7 – 9, 2019  #ARCSConf 2019 in Philadelphia, PA-
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