***Les Bénévoles Sites Announced***
In this update we’ll begin featuring some of the great sites that will be
hosting Les Bénévoles projects on November 6th:

-The Center for Art in Wood
The Center for Art in Wood is a non‐profit museum that advocates for
creative engagement in the material of wood. Since 1986, it has presented
an increasingly ambitious roster of exhibitions and publications to
document the field and its artists and built a museum collection of 1200
works in wood. The Center for Art in Wood is seeking 3-4 volunteers to add
exhibition history to its collection management database.

-Historic Arch Street Meeting House
Arch Street Meeting House is a National Historic Landmark and has been a
Quaker place of worship since 1682. They are seeking volunteers to perform
condition assessments and plan for upgraded storage for their historic
furniture collections.

-James A. Michener Art Museum
The Michener collection includes the most comprehensive and significant
collection of Pennsylvania Impressionist paintings in public hands. This
movement, now recognized nationally and internationally, developed and
flourished in New Hope, Pennsylvania in the early decades of the twentieth
century. The museum is actively building its studio craft collection as
well as expanding its holdings of contemporary painting, sculpture, works
on paper, and decorative arts. The Michener seeks volunteers to condition
report objects in its permanent collection.

Learn about more of our wonderful host sites in future ARCS Updates.

***Meet Your ARCS Board Member***
This week we would like to introduce you to one of our newest Board
members, Melissa Bechhoefer.

I am the Director of Integrative Collections at the Denver Museum of Nature
& Science. I received my BA from Oberlin College, and after feeling
compelled to make sense of the collections excavated in MY archaeological
field school, went on to complete an MS in Museum and Field Studies from
the University of Colorado Boulder. I have worked in museum collections
management and registration for nearly 20 years, managing many types of
collections throughout my career. Prior to starting with DMNS, I was a
Museum Curator with the National Park Service and Registrar at History
Colorado. I’ve been Primary Investigator or project manager on numerous
collections improvement grants from the Institute for M
useum and Library Services and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Previously, I served on boards and committees for the American Alliance of
Museums, Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections,
Mountain-Plains Museums Association, and on Master’s Committees for museum
studies students. I’m passionate about best-practices in the physical care
of collections, and providing researchers, students, source communities,
and the public both physical and digital access to collections and their
associated data.

***Reminder: ARCS Webinar – Conservation Red Flags: Warning Signs for your
It’s not too late to register for our upcoming webinar  “Conservation Red
Flags: Warning Signs for Your Collection”. The webinar will feature three
conservation and collections professionals, each with their own distinct
areas of expertise:

-Jennifer Waxman, Archives Manager-National World War II Museum
-Jason Wyatt, Collections Manager-The James Museum of Western & Wildlife Art
-Heather Becker, CEO-The Conservation Center

Using examples from their own institutions, the presenters will take you
through the issues faced by museum professionals in conserving paper and
three-dimensional artifacts, and how they have used their experience to
meet these challenges.

July 10, 2019
12:00PM-1:00PM EST

Register Now!

***Important Dates***
-July 10, 2019. ARCS Webinar - Conservation Red Flags: Warning Signs for
your Collection https://www.arcsinfo.org/news-events/events/1287/register
-November 7 – 9, 2019. #ARCSConf 2019 in Philadelphia, PA.
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