Dear MCN community member:
For many years, MCN has held direct member elections for its Board of
Directors and President-Elect. In a professional community and membership
organization of relatively modest size, this has long posed challenges in
assembling a Board best able to serve the needs of MCN and the wider
community. Those challenges used to be manageable; but as the environment
within which MCN operates has evolved in recent years, they have become
more acute. In 2015, the Board determined that MCN can best serve and
engage its members in this present context by changing the selection
process from one involving direct elections to one based on Board
appointment. This strategic change in process will have two key kinds of

   - It will manage the selection of MCN’s new Directors and
   President-Elect in a way that enables their skills, expertise, and
   knowledge to meet MCN’s needs more effectively.
   - It will create greater diversification of backgrounds and perspectives
   on the Board.

To serve these aims, the new process will engage all MCN members in key
ways, such as nominating themselves or continuing to help identify
prospective candidates for the Board. We are confident that this change
will enable MCN to provide more value to all MCN members. The new process
is described in detail in revised By-Laws <>
which were recently adopted by the Board. If you have any questions, we
encourage you to ask MCN President Liz Neely at

Board of Directors, MCN

Eric Longo
Executive Director
Museum Computer Network <>
O: +1-888-211-1477 x801
M: +1-917-740-6631

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