To all interested parties. Please share with colleagues and students.

EAC-CPF: Moving Forward with Authority
Location: ? ? ? National Archives and Records Administration (Archives
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?700 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Washington, D.C. ?20408-0001
Date: ?Monday, August 9, 2010
Time: ? 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

With the release of the Encoded Archival Context - Corporate Bodies,
Persons, and Families (EAC-CPF) schema in March of 2010, questions
regarding implementation are looming large within the American archival
community. The National Archives and Records Administration is hosting a
preconference that will bring together stakeholders to discuss the
important role that authority control plays in archival description and
strategies for implementing EAC-CPF in order to continue the ongoing
transformation and enhancement of archival description.

The preconference will consider U.S., European, and Australian EAC-CPF
initiatives and projects, and also explore the potential for
collaboration with the Virtual International Authority File and the
library and museum communities. Primary objectives for the day will be
to answer two key questions: Why should my archive or library implement
EAC-CPF? What are practical strategies for implementing EAC-CPF? A panel
discussion and break-out sessions will constitute the schedule for the
day. Question about the developing schedule and program content can be
addressed to Kathy Wisser at the email below.

There is no charge, and we encourage all interested information
professionals and students to attend. Though there are no charges or
formal registration, preconference organizers would like to have a
running count of attendees. If you plan to attend EAC-CPF: Moving
Forward with Authority, please email Kathy Wisser
katherine.wisser at

Mark A. Matienzo
Digital Archivist, Manuscripts and Archives
Yale University Library

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