Just because it's cool (and gets one thinking about crowdsourcing creativity in 

[Insert your disclaimer here]

-----Original Message-----

>From CNET:

"Six months after we asked readers to help us write a science fiction novel, we 
present "Crowd Control," CNET's first work of crowdsourced fiction. Hundreds of 
contributors -- more than 120 whose names we know and many more anonymous -- 
collaborated via a single Google Doc, working under a Creative Commons license 
to shape a rough draft of a story. That draft is still online for anyone to 
take from or build upon, and CNET edited and expanded it to create our own 
version of the story, which comes in at almost 50,000 words. We will publish 
that story on CNET daily on weekdays over the next four to five weeks, along 
with more inside details on how it came to be. "

Read the First Installment and Access Google Doc Draft



Amalyah Keshet
Head of Image Resources & Copyright Management
The Israel Museum, Jerusalem
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